Jeongguk has..

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Kim Taehyung's Pov

I get up feeling someone stabbing my brain.I shouldn't have drunk so much. The morning light comes through the curtains and fall on my beautiful Omega.


That's what he said last night. Though i was intoxicated with alcohol and his scent, and i did make him say yes to me for marriage, i didn't mark him. It was hard for me to not bury my sharp fangs in his neck and make him mine, but i had to control myself.

I couldn't take away his freedom, the freedom that he loves so much. No, i will ask him nicely, today when we go back to my world, the Vampire world,after he is mine,  i will arrange a private jet for the two of us, lying to my father that i want it for a trip to Malta, and while we, me and Jimin are in the air, i will forcefully crash land us in the ocean, faking our death.  

My parents wanted to do this too but, they really thought they could change the world so they stayed back, and look at the result of their decision, a broken family, and two sons who hate each other.

I get up from the bed and walk out of the room to make a few important calls.

Without making a sound i walk out of the room, close the door of the room behind me and take a breath of relief, my mate had a rough night, he must be tired and i don't want to be the cause of breaking his beautiful sleep.I unlock my phone and go through the message box, one message catches my eye.

Its from Jeongguk.

"meet me at our secret place" it says.

How can i forget the secret place, the place where we used to meet when our parents attended meetings with the other council members.

When we considered each other as brothers.

While walking through the coridors, i feel something peirce my neck, i slap my neck hard in that place, and pick up a small spider from there, why would a spider try to bite me? I am a Vampire for fuck sake, without much thought i throw the dead spider on the ground and continue walking on my way.

I walk through the hallway towards a small dusty room, the door is left ajar , it was always kept locked, especially after that incident. It still looks the same, posters of human ruins, half naked women, and different models of cars and bikes decorate the cracked walls, a big couch is placed on one end while the whole room is surrounded by toys,The toys that me and Jeongguk played with, when i was a child this place used to be lit up with all kinds of different lights, it looked like a rainbow in here, with loud music playing, now the room is silent and dark.

'Hey', i hear a soft breathy yet masculine voice coming from the shadows.

'hi Jeongguk, long time since we met here isn't it? You wanna play tag now? Is that why you called me?, i grin in the darkness when i see his shadow approach me. Unlike other werewolves, Jeongguk's eyes glow in the dark, he was born just like me, and yet so different.

'Cut the crap hyung, i know your cute boyfriend is an Omega', my blood runs cold when i hear those words coming from his mouth.

It can't be, no one should know his identity!

'how did you know that?', i ask, not letting my voice get shaky.

'I just do, don't ask me why', he chuckles.

I don't like where this going.

'You have no business with him, he is going to be my mate soon ', i say proudly.

He comes close to me and whispers, 'are you sure? Does he want to mate with you, a vampire, or should i say a hybrid?', he laughs again, showing his bright sharp teeth.

'Are you not eating your pills Jeongguk, your Hybrid teeth are showing?', i sneer.

'I stopped taking them when i found out that the man i loved for so long had gone missing, i couldn't live without him, i needed the anger, the monstrosity to feul me to find him, i had to stop taking those pathetic pills that curbed my natural instincts', he grins.

I grab his collar and bring him closer looking in his glowing silver eyes and say,'Those pills also curb our instincts to kill our own kind'

He punches me in my face, the force making me fall to the ground, i spit out blood and see him grinning at me,'You don't know what you are missing hyung, i feel alive, and stop looking at me as if i am doing some crime, i only ate those wolves who were bad, not the good ones, but that is not why i called you here hyung, we have more important matters to handle, for example that unmated Omega in your room'.

I try to punch him but he dodges me and pushes me across the room, my back hits the old walls making me fall on the ground, 'You are not touching him Jungkook, he is mine!', I growl as i get up and run towards him, punching him in the middle of his face, only to get hurt on my hand, i go for another blow on his ribs, breaking my finger bone in return, i try to hit him everywhere, but it only results in hurting me , He holds my hands tightly and drags me towards the couch making me forcibly sit on it. The little bit of light coming from the window makes me see him, his face looks more mature, no innocence left, he is cladded in only his jeans, his six pack abs and musculine chest on display.

'I love him hyung', for the first time since i met him in the room i hear a quiver in his voice, he drops down on his knees and says, 'I know you do too, i understand that Jimin is lovable, but have you thought about the circumstances of your decision ?', he asks.

Hi guys i want to say something,

well, never let anyone force you to do anything, and never force anyone to love you, that is very wrong. in a story it is all cute,  but in reality being forced to love someone is not right, you are  basically taking away their freedom.

thanks for listening to my ted talk, i just wanted to say that after i wrote the part were Tae blackmails Jimin into marrying him, it is not good.

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