On the other side

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In a dark lit room, Jeongguk with red rimmed eyes was beating up four men chained to the wall.

'Where is he?',He asked them.

'Sir, we really don't know', one of them,a male omega answered.

A punch landed on the male omega's face.

The floor of the room was painted with the blood of all the men, decorating Jeongguk's knuckles.

'you assholes claim he ran away, yet noone of you have seen it with your own eyes, what were you doing? Sleeping??',

two alphas and two omegas, useless bunch of security guards. Alphas are too dominating while Omegas are too submissive a very bad combination of security.

Jeongguk hadn't taken his pills today, and for the first time, he was happy about it. He felt happiness while beating them up,extracting their fingernails, uprooting their hair, castrating them,and the whole time while doing all this,while inflicting pain on the four men he felt excited.

At one point he got tired of it, he unchained one of the Alphas and looked at him and said,'this is your last chance to tell me the truth', when he did not answer, Jeongguk tore his chest with his bare hand making the other wolves scream, Jeonguk ignored there screams as he ate the Alpa's heart, then lungs, his his intestines.The other chained wolves were horrified,watching their friend being eaten by the Alpha Prince.

One by one he ate them all, their screams, as he twisted them,tore them were music to his ears.

Someone knocked on the door of the room.

'Son, are you done with your private investigation?', his father asked from outside.

'No dad, it will take a while', he said.

He sat down on the floor, started scooping out blood from the bodies and drink them.

Yesterday morning, the Intelligence agency had called him to tell, that almost forty percent of Asia's Omega Houses were released from unhealthy rules and regulations their ancestors had created for them, and just to check if the Intelligence agency had really done their job,he went on a surprise visits to some of the Omega Houses to check the conditions , one of them was the Omega House nearest to the Purple House located in Tokyo ,Japan.

He was happy to see the agency had done a good job, now the omega house had recruited teachers to teach the Omegas what ever course they wanted to study, the quality of the security for the Omegas was stronger than before, also they had made the Head Mistress of the Omega House, that is Miss Elena resign from her place and made a Beta female take her place.

He had still not informed the council members about this project, all the council members were alphas, he wanted the project to be successful first then he would tell them about it, he wasn't scared of them, but he knew that given the nature of an Alpha they would want to sabotage the projects by finding out faults in it or create defaming rumors about Jeongguk just so as to destroy his project.

While he was roaming around the Halls of the Omega House located in Japan, he heard two girls pass by him talking to each other.

'If only Jimin was here he would have loved this change so much',

He stopped them in their tracks, pulled out his phone to show them a particular boy with pink hair asking them if this is the boy they were talking.

'Of course we know him,he was one of the rebels of this House, he was a great guy, he would sneak in books for us, play with us , we all looked up to him, then one day he just disappeared, we all thought he might have run away or something,and even if he did some Alpha must have murdered him, we don't know though what happened to him, all we know is that he left this place one night.'

It was already morning when he got up from the floor and washed his face and hands in the open sink then left the torn dead wolves locked in the room as he went to talk to his dad in his personal office.

'They don't know where he is',he slammed his fist on the desk of the office, looking straight in his father's eyes.

'Appa i need him, did you get any information about his disappearance?', He asks desperation seen in his eyes.

'No reports on him, apparently no one has seen him escaping, and also the day he escaped was the day of the Vampire King's departure, which means no wolf would even dare to leave their houses, this kid that you claim to be your mate is smart, he knew which day to escape so that no one could see him, but if we try we can find him son don't worry.'His father said, assuring his son.

I should have never left his side, never gone to that stupid Alpha House to get trained had i known about this, Jeongguk thought.

He goes back to his room and takes out a small red scarf from his wadrobe,it use dto belong to his Jiminie, Jeongguk used to always tease him about mating him, though he never lied about it, but in his mind he wanted the mating to be mutual not forced, but ofcouse he never told that to Jimin. Now he regrets teasing him, he should have been his friend, someone he could rely on, had that been the case maybe that night when he escaped he could have come to Jeongguk rather than disappearing just like that. Life would have been so much different had they been friends.

'You are all mine Jimin, i will find you and mate you, we are destined together , don't worry my love, your Knight will save you', with that thought in mind, he slept sated, with Jimin's scent from the scarf calming his inner beast.


what do you think?? tell me in the comments if you are liking the story so far :)

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