Jimin makes me want to kill for him

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Kim Taehyung's pov


the name itself surrounds me with a calm and satisfied feeling.
I have never felt this way about anybody, every face looks dull compared to his, those cute kitten eyes, that perfect sculpted nose, and those adorable pink lips that look like they were designed to be bitten by me, his whole body looks like it was designed for me to cherish and love and spoil. He is the only one who can make me surrender , make me believe I am a sane normal Vampire, and not some Vampire flesh eating weird creature.

Because of his dance skills, even though he has abs, his small lean body makes him look more fragile than buff, like a glass doll ready to break if not handled with care.

When I touch him, I am scared I will break him, his porcelain skin is so soft to touch and yet so easy to bruise. And that mouth watering scent of his, just calling out to me ,begging me to make him mine, make him full with our young. And yet for some reason I haven't bonded with him yet.

Maybe its because of my dad and his rules that keep me from binding my soulmate with me, he always told me to respect the choice other people make and not force them into something they don't like, though I never follow my dad's advises about life, not even when that one time when I was fourteen and almost beat up that wolfboy Jeongguk which turned out to be such a bad fight, that I wasn't allowed to visit the wolf land for another two years ,I didn't care anyway ,but Jimin is a different case altogether. He makes me feel Humane if that's even possible, and maybe that's why I want him to first agree with the mating decision then proceed with the SoulBond.

I haven't asked him about it till now, I am waiting for the right time, which is my birthday party next week.

Its been a few weeks since I have been dating this dainty fairy like man, who makes my dead heart flutter in ways I never knew it could, and well even after my constant whining he did not move in with me in my house, and so, here I am, alone at some stupid party, getting drunk alone, imagining how great It would be to escape from here and run away to my boyfriend's house, snuggle beside him, kiss his forehead, drown in his sweet scent ,feel his soft body mould with my hard one , hear his sweet moans echoing all over the halls screaming my name as I make him cum. When he is near me, his scent encloses me in a warm hug, making me forget the existence of other people in this world, his laugh mutes every other sound.

My whole life revolves around him, it's almost like I do not exist, that it is him who makes me feel alive in this dull repetitive life. Every night when I am with him, I feel the need to make him mine, not allowing him to leave my side, caging his fragile glass like body with mine.

I somehow know that just like me, he isn't a normal Vampire, he doesn't behave like Vampires most of the times. Vampires were considered to be evil cold hearted creatures by the now extinct humans, and yes they were right about it, us Vampires are selfish compared to the wolves who are considered to be more human than us though we are born from the same moon goddess Luna. But still, I am head over heals in love with him .

Moon Goddess Luna, the creator of us all, a mythological creature I don't believe in, no one in reality knows how we were born, just that we have been living along side the humans for a really long time before they died and went extinct. There have been a lot of stories about her, how her very first creations were known as moon children, and how these moon children were the most strongest beings existing on planet earth.

MoonChildren, were known to be the strongest and yet the most humble of all of her creations. But as I said, I don't believe in all this, these are just stories for children which they eventually stop believing in as they grow up. I have always believed that Vampires and wolves evolved with time just like humans did.

' hey! All alone in the party Mr. Kim?', I hear a sweet voice behind me while I drown myself in the blood tasting alcohol.

' A certain someone is too busy for me, what about you Tuzyu? You are alone too in this party', I grumble, I had invited Jimin for the party but he said he was busy with his practice so he couldn't come, Yoongi and Hoseok are busy in their own lives and I don't want to disturb them.

' oh well, just caught my boyfriend cheating on me, so yeah you can say that', she giggles, her eyes dilated because of too much drinking.

Her dark chocolate brown hair is in a total mess and her dress, a low cut green dress that reaches mid thigh makes her look like a seductress on a look out for a prey.

She takes a seat beside me on the bar counter and asks for a drink, 'How about, you come to my place and I will show you what a real party is like, hmm', she whisper's in my ear, her hand slowly creeping up my thigh as she waits for her drink.

Had I not had Jimin, I might have not thought twice before taking her body right here, but now every other person looks too dull for my taste, I give her an apologetic smile as I brush off her hand.

My phone buzzes notifying me about a message from Jimin.

me and my partner in crime!! It's Taemin!!! We were having fun in the studio with fake mics (~‾∇‾)~

I look at the message and smirk, well he is having the time of his life leaving me here, then look back at Tuzyu

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I look at the message and smirk, well he is having the time of his life leaving me here, then look back at Tuzyu

'still up with that offer??'

She smiles seductively, 'sure'.


Yay.. Another chapter!!!
I really feel like I should change the description of my story, because even though it does explain it a little bit, it will mislead my readers...... Any ideas??

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