At The Purple House

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After talking about trading and donations, we  that is me, Mr. Alpha Kim's stupid son,  his subordinates  (the head Alphas of every pack existing in the wolf world) and my subordinates  talked about the sudden  increase in Rogue Vampires and Wolves crossing the boundary from both sides  hence resulting in increase in crimes all around the world and how to deal with such crimes.

'make the security stronger you have a big population, you can recruit more wolves for the Army !', I say,
' thirty percent of our population are not allowed to take up rough jobs because their bodies don't allow them to, twenty percent are below sixteen years of age and  twenty percent  are in the working class, which means  the rest thirty percent who are left are almost half of your population, so saying that we should be the ones making the security strong will not make any changes, your people will have to help us too.'  Jeongguk answered with an ultra calm voice.

'why are your "thirty percent " not allowed to work by the way, I mean even Vampires gives birth to children, but we don't have a rule to separate them and not allow them to work', I tell him.
The other people in the room don't interrupt, they know how much we hate eachother, from the first time that I punched him when I was four, to when we turned fifteen and beat the shit out of each other just because he spilled his drink, which was banana milk,  on my suit during a " friendly party amongst the two nations", they know they should stay out of it if they don't want to get hurt.

' I am really sorry to inform you Mr. Kim, but no matter what you say, we are not going to allow our omegas to fight on the field', he almost growls. 'Our societies are different, and it is better if you don't meddle in matters that don't concern you'

'The Army concern me-'

' The discussion is over, we will recruit more number of Alphas for the Army, and rather than giving a life imprisonment to the Vampire, any Vampire seen on our land without the permission from the government will be killed on site, Mr. Kim, what would you like to say about that?', Jeongguk asks me, as he got up from the table ready to leave.

'we will do the same, increase the number of Vampires in the Army and kill any Wolf on site' I answer him.

Third person POV

Everyone had already left the room except for Jeongguk and Taehyung. Jeongguk was waiting for the Council to leave, bowing to each one of them and waited for Taehyung to get up from his seat, he was his father's 'Golden Son' who no matter what showed respect to everyone even if he did not like them.

' I would never understand why you Wolves talk about protecting your Omegas while almost seventy five percent of them die due to rape and violence inflicted upon them ',  A really angry Kim Taehyung sneered as he said that. He was angry because even though Wolves were more as compared to Vampires they were still forcing them to get in the Army.

'what did you say? ' Jeongguk asked trying hard not to growl.
' Oh come on, we both know that there are more number of Rogue wolves than Vampires, and almost half of them are Omegas, it takes a lot of hate or courage for someone to leave their homeland you do know that  Mr. Jeon', Taehyung grinned, staring at Jeongguk as he trembled trying to control himself from ripping Taehyung's head off.

'There are four continents under my rule, almost 2. 3 billion plus wolves to take care of, it takes time to go to every household and check if everything is alright, and please do your research sir, because this year the number of rogue wolves as compared to last year is lesser, we are doing everything we can, but we can't allow Omegas to take up rough jobs and that includes the Army, sorry for your inconvenience but I won't allow it', 
Jeongguk replies.

'What about the Auction day? Everyone knows you wolves like to buy your Omegas'

'That practice has changed too, we have an Auction day, but rather than buying we allow our Omegas to choose their partners, and please stop taking out faults in my government, when your own country in under the influence of drugs, it wouldn't hurt for your government to start controlling your people, because if this keeps going on I am sure, your fifty million population will be dead in no time. "

It was true what Jeongguk had said, the Vampires being less in population had more resources than they deserve, which results in the Vampire youth to degrade and not contribute to the society's growth, the youth is always partying their heart out, and sometimes they take this partying to different heights, from murdering their own parents because they are "too controlling" to asking for more money and not working for it, there was a time, when Vampires had to hunt for their food, but since the invention of Synthetic blood formula a century ago, they don't even have to do that.  Taehyung knows this, because he is the CEO of the biggest synthetic blood making company.

Jeongguk gives a dry smile to Taehyung who still does not get up from his place and leaves the Grand Council room.

First thing he does is call the intelligence agency right after reaching his room, 'James? Yeah it me, Jeongguk, how many Omega Houses have you raided till now? I asked you to send me an email about it, and you still haven't, I told you to not slack on this', he says with his fingers massaging the part between his eyebrows,
' you covered only ten countries? A year was given to you James, you should have raided every Omega house in atleast one continent, double your employees, I want this to be done asap, after Europe you have Asia to work on', he hangs up on his phone and lies on his bed.

Taehyung wasn't wrong, most of the Omegas die because of sexual abuse and violence, but what Taehyung doesn't know is that, Jeongguk has been working on this since the day he graduated from one of The Alpha houses. He didn't know that Jeongguk was in love with an Omega and for this love, he was raiding almost every Omega house in existence, he didn't know in which Omega house was he living in.

Of course, he used to tease his Omega that he will buy him on Auction day, but that was just teasing. He would never hurt his Omega intentionally, he did rather sell his soul for him.


Two updates!!

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