Red bottles

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Jimin's POV

Only three months left for Tae's bday, and honestly i am not prepared.

I did say yes to him for going to the were world , but i am too scared to go there, i can't tell Tae my secret but somehow i feel he already knows about this why he is taking me there ?

No, not at all, he and his family every year make such trips to the were world, this must be just a coincidence that it landed on his birthday, and well, me being his boyfriend he must want to be with me this birthday.

'the diagnosis is done kiddo you Can get down from the bed', Hoseok's raspy voice interrupts my thoughts. These monthly diagnosis have started to take a toll on me, just like i had promised, every month i would land up here, at Hoseok's and Yoongi's lab. They called it the "HopeGenius lab", to me it sounded a bit cheesy but i didn't mind it, its their choice anyways.

I slide down the bed and stand on my feet as i put on my blue sneakers , i walk in the washroom and wash my hands and face and look in the mirror, noticing something unusual about my hair.

'Guys, my hair color has turned green, not that its serious but, would i be getting any more side effects from your tests?', i remember last month when they had inserted some fluid in me and it backfired and instead of making me invisible it gave me some really bad rashes and even turned my skin color blueish-green, i took a holiday for a week from work and school and told Taehyung i was sick, which he did not believe at all but said that i should not "lie " to him and tell him what the real problem was, of course i lied again saying i needed to stay at home because "i needed some space" like some fifteen year old teenager says to his mom. I don't know if he agreed with me or got offended by my decision but he dropped the topic and said i should take care of myself.

I liked that about him, he didn't behave like some dominant man who wanted to protect his "Love" from everything bad even if the other half didn't want it, he respected my decision , i like the freedom .

'Nah, don't worry about it , nothing bad will happen', Yoongi said, as he labeled a bunch of small bottles, i walked closer to him to read the small font on the mini red bottles, "Alpha suppressants", 'What are those?' i ask, 'they are like rut suppressants' Yoongi answers quickly still lost in labeling the bottles, 'But why would you want that?', I ask , 'J-just for some experimentation, N-nothing serious', Hoseok answers scratching his head nervously, as if on queue, Yoongi collects all the bottles and starts organizing them on a near by shelf quickly, while Hoseok hands me my heat suppressants, scent suppressants and other health tablets to reduce side effects, 'You can leave now, your work here is over for now, we will call you if we need you', Hoseok smiles as he gently tries to push me out of their messy smelly lab, before i can say anything, he shuts the door on my face.

What were they doing with those suppressants?, i might not know much about Alphas but i do know that just like Omegas are not allowed to consume heat suppressants excessively even Alphas aren't allowed to have rut suppressants, its forbidden for them, they are ment to be horny to have kids, then why are Hoseok and Yoongi making it in bulk ? Are they smuggling it somewhere?

I think about knocking on their lab door to ask them but before i can do that a deep voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

'What are you doing here?', Tae asks, and for a few seconds i get lost in his beauty, he had dyed his hair silver and put on a little bit of lip gloss making his thin lips more kissable, he wore a simple loose black sweater and blue slacks that made him look etheral , on someone else this attire would make them look simple, but its Kim Taehyung we are talking about, whatever he wears, it just compliments his sharp features even more.

I shake my head coming back to reality and say, 'They are my friends', i look so small under his strong gaze. 'Oh really ?' he asks lifting up his left eyebrow mocking me, 'Yep we have been friends since a long long time', i say confidently. 'That's funny, i have known them since birth, but they never mentioned you' he grins.


He walks up to me and leans over me making me go back some steps and get trapped between his gaze and the door to the lab , he looks directly in my eyes and says, 'you look so cute when you lie baby, ' and in a split second he gives a boxy smile and says,'but that's okay i guess, everyone lies, i lie too, its just that i don't get caught unlike you', he kisses me hard and pushes the door open behind me greeting Hoseok and Yoongi, They look at us astonished while Tae asks them how we met, and Hoseok tells him that they met at a coffee shop and that's how we became friends, ' Oh, is that so? You never mentioned about him to me Hoseok',

'I was kinda busy at the lab so must have slipped from my mind Tae '.

Tae, being the way he is changes the topic and asks them about the trip to the WERE world to which they gladly agree. After saying goodbyes to each other, he grabs my hand firmly and takes me towards his car.

Tonight is gonna be a rough night.

And somehow i am happy about it.

I am in love with a Vampire, and if i get caught i might die, but right now i really don't care.


Merry Christmas Everyone <3

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