The deed is done

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Third Person POV

It didn't take much time for Jimin and Taehyung to find the purple house through the sewers, they plugged their nose using their index finger and thumb and walked through the dirty water, Taehyung leading Jimin while he controlled himself from spilling his guts out again. On the way, they had gulped scent suppressant pills, as a precautionary measure.

Jeongguk had done everything right when it came to securing the purple house, even  had the sewers unguarded. It was as if he knew Taehyung would come to him through those sewers , ofcourse he knew Taehyung would come out from there, they were the ones to discover the sewers, now all he had to do was wait for them to come to him, for Taehyung to beg on his feet for his life while he claimed Jimin again, and if his body rejected it again, then he has to die, no other option because Jeongguk was never the kind of man to give away or share his possessions.

This time Jeongguk was ready, waiting with his claws out and his pointy teeth smeared with blood while soldiers gaurded the purple house .

What he didn't know was that Jin had freed himself from the handcuffs.

When Taehyung and Jimin reached the end of the sewers, Taehyung turned towards Jimin and wispered,'Throw the grenade first, my brother might be an asshole of the highest rank but he is smart enough', Jimin nodded in affirmation as he fished out a grenade from his pocket, it looked like a tennis ball, green in color with a white line surrounding it, truly harmless to look at, made by the people of Smeraldo , Taehyung then started climbing the ladder and Jimin followed him, he gave the grenade to Taehyung as slid the lid of the manhole to the side, before he could look out, to check if the coast is clear , he took the grenade from Jimin's hand and threw it in the direction of the purple house.

The soldiers saw the lid open, and got in their positions ready to kill whatever, whoever came out from that hole, they waited while a small tennis ball was thrown out, they stared at it, waiting for something to happen, but when nothing happened, one of the soldiers walked closer towards it.

'Baam!' , Jeongguk heard a loud blast, he got up from his seat and was walking towards the window when someone hit his head with a metal rod, 'You are not going to win this time', another hit on his head. Jeongguk smirked, ofcourse he didn't feel a thing, while the metal rod got dents in them, he wasn't on his medications anymore, he was transformed into a vampire warewolf hybrid in its truest form, he turned back slowly,growling as he saw his father standing there scared , yet keeping a brave face as he held the dented metal rod, tears glistening his eyes, ready to attack his favorite son. 

Jeongguk picked him by his neck choking him and threw him accross the room, he then walked towards the window and saw all his soldiers were dead and there was no sign of Jimin or Taehyung which only meant one thing, they were in the inside the house, he checked the front cctv cameras but all of them were broken.  He walked out slowly and steadily looking around sniffing the air to find his favorite scent, nothing, he could smell nothing.

Slightly irritated he increased his pace, he could feel someone's presence behind him, he turned around and pounced, growling as he pulled his claws back to scratch the person's face below him, only for it to be a dead soldier,  before he realised that, he felt something pierce through his skin, he growled loudly as he felt his strenght drain out from him, he coughed out blood as he felt his bones crack, fixing themselves back in place, he saw his claws go back to being his hands, and just when he was going to get up someone kicked him on his shins, making him drop on the floor, a hand grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, and he saw the face he didn't want to see. 

Taehyung punched his brother hard across his face, again and again till he heard his jaw crack, Jungkook tried to get up again and this time felt a bullet pierce his skin, he rolled back only to see Jimin holding a gun in his hand, his expressions slightly scared but angry. 'My little ange-', a punch came crashing his face, 'You are not allowed to talk to him you asshole!',Taehyung shouted angrily, but Jeongguk only laughed in response, coughing up more blood, he grabbed Taehyungs neck and rolled over him pulling the syringe out of his neck, Jimin kept shooting him but nothing happened, 'Little omega , those bullets dont work on me anymore', Jeongguk said, and Jimin stared as all those bullets came popped out of his skin as it healed. 

Taehyung bit into Jeongguk's neck, trying to rip his neck, but Jeongguk pulled away,and clawed at Taehyung's face, leaving behind large marks across his face, blood poured out of it.

'Nooooo!' Jimin shouted, he jumped on to Jeongguk's back and pulled at his hair, doing everything to get him away from Taehyung, but to Jeongguk, it felt like a small cat scratching, ruffling his hair, he stood up atlast and pulled Jimin in front, crushing his to his body, ' I missed you Jimin, but dont you worry, i won't make the mistake i did last time sweet omega, i will claim you again and cage you here , and i don't care if your body excepts my claim or not, you are mine, in life and death', He crushed his lips to Jimin's probing his mouth open, allowing his tongue to explore his Jiminie's sweet mouth.

 Jimin wouldn't be able to handle this again, he felt Jeongguk's claws rip the guns from his hands, no he couldn't let this happen again. With lots of force he grabbed Jeongguk's toungue with his teeth and bit into it, ripping it out of his mouth.

Jeongguk screamed as he pushed aways Jimin across the corridor, he grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to his room , where his father lay unconscious or presumably dead in the pool of blood. He growled with rage as he ripped away Jimin's clothes, 'I am not in heat Jeongguk, you can't claim me', to this Jeongguk laughed and then slurred,' i going to ki-you, i die, you die', he growled.

Now Jimin was scared, he had made Jeongguk angry, he had to do something, his mate was struggling to live, he had to do something to save them both. He didn't want to die now, when everything was going so well with him and his mate, he wanted to go back in time, go back to smeraldo, go back to those sweet carefree mornings, laughing at his mates dumb jokes.

When Jeongguk opened his mouth, Jimin closed his eyes, ready to die, ready to feel the teeth rip out his neck, ready to go to heaven and wait for his mate to arrive there.

But before that could happen, he heard something stab through something, he opened his eyes only to see, Jeongguk's face dangerously close to his, his eyes unmoving. He looked down and saw a metal rod being stabbed through his heart, Jimin pushed the heavy unmoving body of Jeongguk off him only to see Kim Seokjin standing there, his eyes looked sad but had no tears in them, he stared at his lifeless son , 'I created him, i guess it was my fate to destroy him', Jimin was going to say something but before he could, a howl of pain came from Taehyung's mouth, 'You go tend to him while i check if he is dead, he should be, i stabbed him right through his heart', Jimin got up and ran towards Taehyung, dropping down on the ground holding his hand, Taehyung couldn't open his eyes because of the claw marks, 'Are you safe? And where is Jeongguk?', he asked desperatly as his arms moved trying to find his Jimin. Jimin held his hand and smiled, with tears in his eyes he said, 'I am fine baby, and as for Jeongguk-',

'Dead. Presumably. But we have to burn him to be sure'. Jin said , as he looked around for a lighter, he looked at Jimin and said , 'Take Taetae out of this place , I am going to burn this place down',

'And you?', Jimin asked

Seokjin smiled, tears glistened his eyes ,'I will be here, with my Guggie, maybe in my next life, if he is still my son, i will teach him better'.



I might write an epilogue, but dont get your hopes up!:*

I know i haven't been active, and i am sorry for that, i really wish all of you liked this story, and even if you didn't that's totally fine.

Once again, constructive criticism is welcomed and please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

Love you <3.

Also, Stay Home stay safe guys.

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