Can't stay here forever

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Kim Taehyung's POv

'they allowed my dad, as in Kim Seokjin inside ... i mean he said he told them he was my dad so they allowed him in right?' I was talking about the time dad freed me.

'Well i feel everyone working under Jeongguk knows about him and you, while the civilians don't, nor the council members.'

i look outside the window of the big tower, as i ponder over what Kai had told me. I had left Jimin with Sarah at home, while me and Kai were here, on the top floor of the central security base, standing around a table discussing about how me and Jimin could go back and get on with our lives outside of Smeraldo.

It would be hard to leave this place and go back, according to the news from both sides, i was a run away hybrid, and Jimin was an innocent Omega who was the future mate of Jeongguk.

Its so funny that the two worlds, Vampire and Wolf world, the worlds that hated each other had united to find and kill me, a runaway hybrid.

The Vampire world had significantly forgotten about what all i had done for them,i was the one to give them better, much safer and nutritious synthetic blood, it was because of me they are alive, and yet now every Vampire on every social networking site kept saying that i should be dead. No one was on my side.

They all saw me as some monster, while the real monster was happily sitting on the throne ordering his people to find me and kill me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket notifying me about a message.

It was from Jimin, he had gone shopping with Sarah, and sent alot of selcas of him and Sarah holding shopping bags in one hand and ice cream cones in another.

He looked so happy, his cheeks were a pinkish hue while he laughed in the selfie. It had been ages since i had seen him like that, enjoying life.

Why can't we stay here? we can hide here for as long as we want, live our lives the way we want, grow old here, maybe even have children running around. I smile at that thought, him round with my young, laughing and giggling while he holds his first child in his arms, i could picture him surrounded by children, hear the ringing of their laughter, such a beautiful yet unattainable future.

If we stayed here, we would lead everyone here, the whole world was against us right now, against me, and if they find out Smeraldo, a safe haven for so many other innocent Hybrids, they would not bat an eyelid before blowing up this place, and killing everyone.

'We have to make them trust us', Kai says interrupting my thoughts.

'How are we going to do that?'

'Jimin can help us'.

I turn my head and follow the voice, Kim Namjoon standing at the door, the man who created this place, this place was the reason why he wouldn't attend all those meetings, why he retired from his position as the king of all Vampires, because he was busy down here, finding out other people like me, hiding them here so that they won't die by the hands of some ignorant wolves or Vampires. Its still a small society though, created almost twenty years ago. Hybrids have been alive since partition which happened almost ten thousand years ago, blending in with normal people, but now my father was finding them out, giving them a home where they could live freely without fear of death. Some Vampires and Wolves were also staying here, they say they don't believe in Hybrids being bad, some are their lovers while some are just people who really wanted to help hybrids.
Whenever a Vampire or Wolf used to get suspicious about some hybrid they would instantly want to kill him, while some didn't want to, these were the ones who were allowed here too.

'How?', i ask.

My dad smiles at me and says, 'Jeongguk might be smart but he did not think about one small thing, through the media, you are portrayed as a monster while Jimin is a helpless Omega in your grasp, if he comes with me, to the Vampire world away from Jeongguk so he can't get a hold of him, he might be able to convince the world that you are not bad, that you actually helped him out, they are anyways having a soft spot for the sweet little omega who escaped from the big bad "Hybrid monster", they might trust him, once we gain the trust of our people, Jeongguk can't touch you, because if he does he will come in the bad light which he obviously doesn't want '.

'And slowly we can warm up the citizens into thinking that hybrids aren't that bad and so this society doesn't have to be hidden anymore', Kai grins in excitement as he says that.

For a moment i see hope.


How was the chapter? the end is near!!

Am i rushing the story? I feel like i am :(

Love my readers and me ;)

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