Who are you?

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Jimin's POV

Taehyung wasn't joking last night.

I got up to an empty bed and started questioning if what happened yesterday was not my imagination, and when i saw myself in the bathroom mirror , i knew it was all true. My hair was in a mess and my lips were swollen while my whole body was sprinkled with bruises . The whole time while showering only one image was stuck in my mind, Taehyung's bloodied face, and for the first time , i felt scared of Taehyung.

While changing clothes i had switched on the TV to catch up with some latest news.

'A man named Taemin, a student of the JYP dance academy was found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool inside the academy', i changed the channel to find out every news channel was talking about it, apparently , as per their theories Taemin was swimming in the pool and had switched on the heater, because of some kind of mal function, the water of the pool got heated so much that it started boiling, before he could get out of the burning water his body got boiled inside it and that was how he died.

Another news was about Tuzyu, the popular singer, who suicides by burning her body in her own room, she left a suicide note blaming her boyfriend whom she found cheating on her.

In my opinion, these theory of their deaths was totally different, and it revolved around my boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, the so-called Vampire. The Vampire who would always stare at other Vampires like they were some kind of delicious snack. I know that stare, it is very different from the way he looks at me.

I didn't go to college that day, but went to the public library to find some proof on my theory. Internet was no help when it came to ancient history.

I tried to read some books about mutated Vampires, a long time ago, when humans were still alive, they used to try a lot of experiments on vampires, but most of the time the Vampires would die, and also Taehyung was one of the young generation of Vampires, which meant he wasn't even born back then, i asked Hoseok and Yoongi about this on my cellphone and they said that experiments on Vampires is prohibited that was one of the reasons they thought about kidnapping a wolf a.k.a me, so yes, mutated Vampire theory is ruled out .

I started to explore some of the "other "sections of the library, the sections which no one ever visits, the ones which contain books about hybrids. Hybrids are the offspring of a Vampire and Wolf, which if you see now, is impossible, because that would mean, Taehyung's father had an affair with another wolf, and that wolf has to be an Omega, because Omegas being universal breeders, are "pleasing" to both Vampires and wolves, but if that is the case it means his highness Kim Namjoon had an affair with an Omega wolf.

Alpha wolves and Beta Wolves are considered to be sworn enemies to Vampires, its in their blood to hate each other, i had heard that Alpha and Beta wolves give off a weird scent to the Vampires that they don't like, and vice versa.

But then if His highness did have an affair, how did he even meet an Omega, even when the Vampires come to visit the wolves, no wolf is allowed to come out of their homes, i was lucky to have met up with Yoongi and Hoseok, or i would have been shot dead or raped by some wolf. Is Taehyung adopted?..

'Hey',I looked back to see Taehyung staring at me with a smirk.

'H-hey Tae, didn't see you there.' I stutter trying to hide the book i was reading, he snatches the book from my hand anyways and reads the title aloud.

'101 facts about Hybrids, and other Ancient Beings, since when did you get so interested in Hybrids hmm?'

'Y-you know, i was feeling a bit tired of college and Dance training, so thought about chilling here'

'So chilling here is better than going out with your boyfriend who you didn't meet for a week'

''For a week?We met yesterday, you barged in my apartment, and we had-', i argue.

'Stop making up stories Jimin, last night i was at a party, while you were having fun with your "partner"' he grins.

'I am not making up stories Kim Taehyung, you were in my apartment last night, you told me about Taemin's death-'

'And you think i killed him?

'I never said tha-'

He slides in the seat next to me and whispers in my ear, ' Say whatever you want boy, no one is gonna believe, and take my advice, stop reading such books, they are so not your style' , He pecks my lips lightly and says, ' Anyways, my birthday is coming up, and i am inviting you to my birthday ',
'isn't that on new year's Eve? You would be leaving for the traditional meet with the Wolves'.

'Yep, and you are coming with me', He smirks at me,

'What?I-I can't , i-i have dance practice sessions' I stutter , i can't go back,its been a year since i ran away, I am a runaway Omega, the Wolves would kill me if i go back. But Taehyung doesn't know that....right?

He just stares at me, as if he doesn't care about what i just said, he leans towards me and whispers in my ear, 'I don't care if you have a dance practice or whatever , Park Jimin, we are leaving for Tokyo in three months for my birthday whether you like it or not'.

And just like that he gets up from his seat and walks out of the library.

Taehyung knows something about me... I know he does, i just can't figure out what.

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