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Taehyung's POV
Few hours ago


i feel so hungry, i open my eyes and look around, it looks like a small room with darkness surrounding me and i am sitting down on the floor with my hands cuffed to the wall behind me not letting me get up, i pull my hands hard wanting to break it when i smell a familiar scent, 'HOSEOK! Is that you', i call out in the darkness, i hear a frail voice say, 'yes, its me, is that you Tae?', i tried getting up only to be pulled back by the chains and fall down on the ground, i feel so weak, even my eye sight is hazy, i needed something to eat, fast.

I got up and sat down again in my place, and say, 'did Jeongguk get you here?', i ask my hyung, 'yes, he told Yoongi that he would leave me once Jimin would become his mate', 'And i thought Yoongi had some selfish reasons to hurt me', i grumble under my breath but Hoseok hyung hears me, ' What? Why would he ever Tae',

'I don't know, but when i saw him standing behind Jeongguk before...fainting i thought it was all some plan that you and Yoongi made with Jeongguk to kill me or something'

'No matter what happens we won't ever help him'

'says the man whose dad used to send those deadly pills to Jeongguk to curb his monstrous instincts'

'Its Alpha suppressant pills, nothing else, my dad just modified them a bit and viola! It helps hybrids to not eat their kind! You should take them too, you are behaving in a very weird way'

'Shut up Hoseok, being blunt doesn't suit you, leave it to Yoongi', i say as i try to pull on the chains again, failing. 'Fuck! I need to save Jimin, since when have i been here?', i ask Hoseok looking around in the darkness , 'A week i guess? I don't know', he says in a low voice, sounding dull, which is unlike him.

My Jimin, how is he? What must have Jeongguk done to him?

'Why has he kept you alive?', i hear hoseok say in a questioning voice,

'I don't know', i growl, once again pulling at the chain aggressively, wanting it to break

'i feel he wants to torture you by making you meet Jimin when they are mated to each other', he says calmly,

'That is not going to happen, i will protect him, i will save him from my shit twin brother and run away from here', i say pulling at the chains harder, i feel so weak, and not blood thirsty weak but "I need to eat some meat" weak, i slump down panting,

' Its no use Tae, we are on a ship, with alpha wolves guarding this room ready to kill us anytime Jeongguk orders them', he says, 'why are you talking shit Hyung, we are getting out of here and i know it, i don't know how but we will', i say to Hoseok.

Just when i say that, i hear the door clicking open and see a beautiful strawberry blonde haired man standing outside, with light coming from behind him he looks like some angel who had come to our rescue, well not technically, but right now he was.

'Dad?'i shout happily.

'Sir Kim Seokjin? What are you doing here? You should be home in your bed, your health-' , i see Hoseok sitting on the other side of the room, looking puzzled as he stares at my dad while he unlocks my cuffs that bind my hands and legs with chains on the wall, when i am free i try getting up only to fall down, i feel so drained, my hands and legs feel numb and my head pains so bad as if someone is bashing it with a hammer. After my dad frees Hoseok from the chains they both come and pick me up from the floor, i slung my arms on their shoulders as we exited the room, and walked through the corridor only to hide behind a pillar,'How are we going to get past the guards?',asks Hoseok as we hide behind a pillar,'Let me eat them', I whisper angrily my father looks at me and says,'no don't , you can injure them though, just don't kill them, they are innocent people , their only crime is working for your brother', and just when he says that, a guard shouts loudly in a walkies talkie,' Alert!The prisoners are escaping, the prisoners are escaping, AHHH', he isn't able to complete his sentence because in that time i hold him by the collar, and bite down his shoulder, making him scream loudly in pain, i feel my teeth tearing through the Wolf meat and instantly feel relief wash through my body, i hear Hoseok and dad get out of the hiding and run towards the exit of the long corridor, my dad takes out a card and swipes it down near the door lock sensor, letting the door open automatically.

And there right in front of us stand a hundred or so alpha and beta wolves, ready to kill the three of us with their guns held high aiming at our foreheads.

Their scents make me think of only one thing, food.

After just twenty minutes me and my dad and Hoseok stand in front of the half dead, blood smeared shouting screaming guards lying on the ground with their weapons flung out the windows of the ship in the water, i looked at my blood smeared hands and licked them hungrily, i am sated for now, still hungry but satisfied.

'I am so sorry for what happened, i swear on moon goddess herself, when we reach land, i will personally take care of your health and return you all home safely', my father, grunts, as he drags all the guards at one place and ties them with ropes to the pillars.

'How did you get here dad?', i ask my father who says, 'I told them i want to meet you, to interrogate you about why you attacked Gukkie, they didn't know i was going to free you guys, and when they were leading me towards your room, i stole the cards from their pockets, i am good at this stuff', he grins, of course he is good at it, he did have children from a vampire king without letting anyone know except for his sons and Hoseok and Yoongi.


Special thanks to my readers and me :)

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