I met him

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'The performance was so good Jiminiiee!!'

After the performance the choreographer of our dance came and complemented all of us over how beautiful and synchronized we were while dancing.
It was my dream to dance, had I been on the other side of the boundary I would have already been mated  to some old pedophile Alpha, good thing I took my fate in my own hands that day when I escaped my homeland.

After the performance, we all left for home, at least I did,  the others were going to some party, they invited me too but I didn't want to go, my legs were begging me to be taken care off and not use them anymore. With a weak smile I rejected their invitation and left for home in the public transport bus.

Everything was going great till now, I was taking my daily dose of scent suppressants and when ever my heat would strike I would take my estrous suppressants pills, I had my own small vegetable garden and Hoseok Hyung would get me raw meat some times, which I would cook at home and eat.

After only a week of settling in this foreign world I had started to apply for dance courses at different universities, after getting an admission I did not waste my time and started to look for a good job for my self, of course if I wanted I could have asked for money from Yoongi and Hoseok hyung but I didn't want to burden them any more, though they did say that I wasn't a burden as I was anyways helping them in their experiments but still, I escaped my homeland for this reason, to be independent, and asking for money from them was not independence for me.
Saying that I was adjusting to this kind of lifestyle would be an understatement, I was loving this life. It suits me.

I reached my apartment which was on the fiftieth floor of a five hundred floor building and unlocked the door.
I switched on the lights to find two tall figures staring back at me.

'You guys have the key to my apartment does not mean you can barge in anytime you want!'

I shout at the two figures who were none other than Hobi and Yoongi hyung.

'Hehe, sorry we just came here to give you this.', the taller of the two said as he handed me a box of pink coloured tablets

'And what is that?'

'Birth control pills',

'And why would I need that? Aren't estrus suppressants for that?' I ask .

'No, they aren't, they are more like pain killers. Look the thing is, we all know you won't be leaving this world for a while, and you might just fall in love with someone here, and we don't want any hybrids walking around, so it's better if you listen to us.'

I laugh ,'Hey, don't worry I won't be falling for any of you guys.'

'You might not but someone will, Vampires aren't like your species you know, we have multiple soul bonds.'

'What? What's that?'

'Well, in our society, no vampire is fertile until and unless they find potential mates. Which means, many Vampires, can have soul bonds with only one Vampire. It's up to that one Vampire to choose among st the other Vampires whom he or she wants to bind the soul bond with. And well to bind soul bonds you need to consummate the bond with them and have a child, once that is done your soul bond can never be broken, no other vampire can touch you.'

'But I am a wolf, you are talking about vampires.' that was a question in my mind which came out as a statement.

'We know that, we also know you are the first wolf to step on the Vampire soil, and if anything like this happens with you, we don't want hybrid children walking around here, just take these, just in case some Vampire shows interest in you'. Yoongi says irritated. He doesn't like to talk much and this was the first time he had opened his mouth during the conversation.

I took the pills from his hand and placed it in a drawer near my bed, where I keep all my medical supplies. When i turned back they had already gone.

With a sigh leaving my mouth i strip my self from the tight lacy black shirt and black leather pants and wear a comfortable oversized white shirt with sleeves so long they almost touch my knees, it's already midnight when I switch off all the lights in my apartment and lie down on my bed waiting for my dreams to drown me to sleep.


What the-

I get up from my sleep half awake as I walk towards my door to check who it is, because of the way this apartment or every apartment is built you can't even detect who is behind the door with the scent, the air is always filtered, for every citizen's safety, I was so sleepy I didn't think twice before opening the front door.

'What is it Yoong-',  I open the front door expecting a mint green haired man.

It's not Yoongi though, nor Hoseok, it's someone else, his purple eyes with glowing as they stare at me, a long sharp nose complements his strong jawline, his thin lips  are pulled up in a smirk from side, his red hair falls on his face in a graceful  fashion.

And the scent, comforting, it feels like it is surrounding me, it is a mix of jasmine and lilac, with a hint of something I can't figure out, the scent makes me feel dizzy.
I hold into his shoulders as I try to get closer to him, the scent is too addictive, I want to drown in it.
Just when I try to focus and think about asking the man who he is, he bends and touches his lips to mine.
The blood rushes to my face making it red, I moan in his mouth as I wrap my arms around him pulling him closer, I feel his arms wrap around my thighs going up under my shirt, making my legs wrap around his waist.

This is wrong, I don't know who this person is and yet here I am wearing nothing but an oversized white shirt ready to get naked with him.
The scent is too overwhelming, binding me to him, I push my tongue in his mouth making him growl and bite my lower lip hard, drawing blood from it.

And just like that, I faint.



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