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Jimin's Pov
I wake up all alone in the bed, my body aches after last nights adventures with Taehyung.

I twist and turn in the bed imagining his arms engulfing my small body in his. I lazily get up from the fluffy bed and limp my way towards the oversized bathroom, and take my own sweet time showering with loud music playing from my phone.

After wearing Tae's green silk shirt and black shorts i try to call Tae by the phone, he picks it up and tells me he is with Hoseok and Yoongi and will take some time to come back. He tells me he will meet me at the birthday party in the evening.

I flop down on the bed and browse through my phone that Tae gifted me on my birthday ,watching some trending videos. When i lived in the Omega House, my only connection to the outside world was the stolen newspaper from Ms.Elena's room, now that i have my phone i was connected to the world twenty four seven.

But only half of the world, that's the Vampire world, i had no idea about what was happening here.

The trending news was about the Omega equality in South Africa.

According to some article, a secret mission was taking place to give equal rights to all ranks of wolves, that is Alphas Omegas and Betas, and that all media outlets were told to not publicise it until and unless they get the permission for it from the prince Jeon Jeongguk himself. It said, that this project had been going on for almost three years, and it was kept a secret till now because such a kind of mission was once led by Kim Seokjin, Jeongguk's Father but was later discontinued because, Jeongguk's grandfather, Jeon Jinsung and many council members were against the idea. Now all of South African Omegas, Australian Omegas, and ninty percent of Asian Omegas were freed from masters and were getting trained with Alphas for Jobs in different companies. That's why because the mission was running successfully the media outlets were allowed to cover the whole story.

Some Alphas had commented under the post saying that the older tradition of auctioning Omegas should not be banished while some Alphas were very happy with the current situation of Omegas saying the world is changing and they agree with new leader Jeongguk.

There were a mixture of emotions going through my head. Jeongguk really did that? When we were kids he was a nice boy who was always friendly towards me, but over time he had changed, he was known as the school bully who lost his best friend over a mysterious animal attack. Is this why i haven't seen him anywhere in the castle, not that i want to, but i just thought he might want to meet Taehyung, for meeting and i might see him somewhere.

The afternoon warmth from the sun tells me it is time i start dressing up for the party in the evening. I get up from my bed and quickly change into a black Chanel suit and thin sparkly silver earrings that Taehyung gifted me.

Half of the things i own are from Tae, in the beginning i used to be very shy whenever he would present me with gifts, over time i got used to his generosity towards me.

I apply light make up and paint my lips with pink lip gloss, Tasting likes it, i look at myself in the mirror for the last time,have my scent suppressant tablets, wink at my reflection, and step out the room ready for my loves birthday party.

Inside the room, I had almost forgotten I was in the were world.

The moment i reach the party hall, a whiff of a mixture of strong Alpha scents hit my nostrils.

Why would Alphas be here? Aren't they supposed to be in their homes? Apha wolves and Vampires cant stand each other then why are they here?

'Sshhh.. Don't make that sexy brain of yours work so much baby, His Highness Kim Seok Jin invited these Alphas to the party, to meet me, Its not just my birthday, but also the day where they passed a law, and according to the law no Omega wolves can be touched without consent, even during their heat, they have the freedom to roam around freely, and these Alphas supported the law', A low calming voice whispered in my ear, as big familiar hands circle my body.

Too many Alphas, Too many..

'I-I cant be here Tae, i am not feeling well, i m-mean i- didn't sleep well ', I stutter, Tae spins me around hugging me tightly in his arms , his strong honey musky scent, which hides the stench of alcohol coming from his mouth, wraps me like a blanket.

Light music plays in the background as everyone dances under the shimmering purple light of the large chandelier. I bury my face in Tae grey suit drowning myself in his scent, forgetting about the surroundings.

I look up in his dark eyes and loose myself in them, i can go on for eternity just staring in his warm dark eyes, oh how i wish i was a Vampire, we would have married each other by now..

I blink, feeling tears fall down my cheeks, this place has brought me back to my harsh reality, WE can never be together, i am an Omega, he is a Vampire, this society wont let us live. I hide my face in his chest, softly sobbing my pain away.

'Its all okay baby, i am here, don't cry, i love you the way you are ', he tries to assure me.

'You don't know who i am Tae',i say staring in his eyes.

'You are an Omega aren't you?'

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