The Mad Scientists

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2 days ago

somewhere in the human city of Chicago,USA which is now under the Vampires, in a small laboratory two men, in their late twenties were loosing their minds over a serum that can hide the scent of a Vampire or Werewolf or any other living substance with a scent. They had tried it out on a lab rat and were really successful, now they needed a much bigger living body to test on.  

'Do you know Wolves have three times more population than Vampires', the Vampire with cat eyes said as he twirled in his seat.

'What is the point of that Yoongi? stop reading general knowledge books and help me convince some Vampires to take this test.'

'You aren't getting me Hoseok, look, we both know no Vampire would ever want to be a specimen for us,  because they know how... inventive we are and if you think you can bribe them with money, you know every Vampire in existence has more money that he or she needs, thats why i am saying.. lets kidnap a wolf, i mean.. there population is more than normal , if anything we would be doing a favor to them', Yoongi said confidently.

'Do you even know what you are suggesting, if we even think of it, their government will kill us', Hoseok shouted at his partner.

Yoongi got up from his place and pulled out a blueprint from the drawer of his desk. He spread out the map on the desk and said,'i did some research last night,  all these wolves go have some kind of rankings called Alpha,Beta,Omega. The thing is right after turning sixteen these wolves go through some changes in their bodies which segregates them in these ranks, after that these wolves are  sent to different places and kept under observation, during these times some of these wolves die, also in such places when wolves die, they don't keep a record of it because one, the Alphas and Betas mostly die over combat and Omegas die due to their Heat which overcomes their senses, after two years when these young wolves leave their respective training units, they are registered, so if we try and kidnap the unregistered wolves , the ones who are training , no one will know who did it, and we all know how dumb wolves are, they would assume that these wolves tripped over something and died, they won't care . Our target will be Omegas, because they are the weakest among st all the three , believe me, also think about how we can use this wolf for our benefit, all we need to do is capture it, and next thing we know we can try every experiment on him or her .You heard me right, now listen to me carefully, this blueprint is a map that will help us to reach 'The Omega House' the place where young Omegas are kept for observation.' Yoongi waited for Hoseok's reply as he excitedly explained his plan.

'So you mean, we capture one these Omegas or whatever they are, get them here and try out all our experiments on them?, that is awesome Yoongi, no more begging for Specimens , after trying it out on the wolf if we are successful, we will make the counter serum for it so that when try it out on ourselves and if something wrong happens atleast we will have a way to revive ourselves. But when will we go? Vampires aren't allowed to travel there.'

'Tomorrow, His Highness Kim Namjoon and his son Kim Taehyung will be traveling to the Japan, Tokyo, the city where one of the Omega Houses are located , Tae-Tae trusts us too much to question us why we want to come with him and he will gladly convince his dad to take us to Japan with them, i mean we did help him to create the almost perfect Synthetic Blood that is 99% as nutritious as natural blood, we will just hop on the plane kidnap an Omega Wolf, sedate them , pack them in one of our oversized bags and get them here, and don't worry about security check, we will take our special bag .' Yoongi grinned .

'What the fuck happened here?' A tall pale boy,   stood at the doorways as he stared at the mess around him, folders were lying open and surgical instruments were tossed carelessly on the ground, Yoongi and Hoseok hastily folded the blueprint and walked towards the doorway, careful not to step on the pointy instruments, the dragged the boy out and locked the door of  their laboratory.

'Its nothing Tae just some stupid experiment!' , Hoseok replied giddily.

'None of your experiments are stupid guys, its because of you that i am the CEO of such a big company ', that was true, before the two scientists conjured the idea of synthetic human blood, where they technically, grow humans  from their fossils and keep them in paralyzed state and draw blood from them, which is so much better than drinking the stale bitter blood of animals.  

 Human blood is much more nutritious and delicious than animal blood , and thats why Taehyung, the young teen CEO makes more money than any other teenage Vampire in existence. 

'Umm Tae, can you do us a favor? we wanted to travel to the wolf side of the planet, you know, just for fun, and tomorrow you and your dad would be flying there too, so can you take us with you?' , Hoseok asked. His heart smile on display, no one can say no to the heart smile.

'Why do you wanna go there? If you want all three of us can go to Malta if you want to travel for fun, not that i am against your idea of fun but that place is boring, all we do is supply meat and veggies to them, gosh! i heard from somewhere that the wolves give birth to almost ten to fifteen pups at a time, no wonder they keep begging us for food because their side of the planet is literally dying. They should stop being so horny, then atleast we will be able to live in peace without their constant nagging for food.'

'Please Tae-Tae, we are weird but we are your friends right, won't you do this much for you Hobi Hyung and Yoongi Hyung?',Hoseok whined.

'OK fine , i will ask dad, if he says yes, then you both can come too',Taehung said as he laughed  at his Hobi Hyung's cuteness  

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<That is how Tae will look like when he goes to the Wolf side of the planet. I think my way of writing is weird . anyways, if you like the  story comment and vote <3 Love you.

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