Nice days

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Third person POV

"No please! just stop !!"

Jeongguk laughed at the crying plump boy as he dunked him again in the toilet while his other friends snickered.

Everyone in school knew about the notorious Jeongguk who was too arrogant to deal with, the one fifteen year old boy who behaves like a monster to others after Mark died.

Even though he behaved like this with the other students he had a very different image of himself in front of the teachers,  he was that skinny kid all teachers adored, the doe eyed bunny boy  who was the teacher's pet, but in reality he was just a big bad bully, even before he liked to tease everyone at school, he was mischievous and naughty who followed a certain pink haired boy like a lost puppy  but he was never bad, he did make fun of  those people who troubled his friends but never bullied anyone, in his head he was a great boy protecting his friend,  until last week.  After last week he started thinking of himself as the murderer of his friends,  he never knew why he ate those pills, he used to just blindly follow his dad,  he still doesn't know about it and thinks it's a really bad disease that he has.

This time though, Jeongguk just wanted to have fun and so dragged an innocent cute plump boy , probably a future beta ,in the men's bathroom and bullied him which was basically "fun " for the great Jeon Jungkook,the son of his highness and the future CEO of SM real estate company.

Jeongguk wasn't a bully though, he became one after Mark died and left him to deal with this world all alone, to deal with this "disease",  that he couldn't figure out and was too afraid to ask his dad.

The only person right now who was still keeping him alive, was Jimin.

'Jeon Jeongguk! Would you stop!'

Jeongguk saw the boy of his dreams standing near the doorstep of the men's washroom looking furious, his face was scrunched in an angry glare which only made him look like a really cute pouty pink  haired  bird. If not to anyone else he did look like a cute baby chick who needed to be protected from the whole world for Jeon Jeongguk.

Jimin was just a small thirteen year old boy with sparkly eyes and big dreams, his body was lean and a bit muscular as compared to other thirteen year old boys, he had dyed his hair pink  and had natural swollen lips which contradicted to his musculine body.

Jeon since the very first day he met Jimin knew they would forever be together, as soulmates, when Jeongguk was just fifteen he never saw Jimin in a sexual way, he saw him as someone he could be friends with, someone with whom he could share all his worries and thoughts and never be judged, but still he was afraid that his assumption might be wrong so he never told him anything and always kept him away.

His mind was in a dilemma when it came to Jimin, he did want him but didn't want to let Jimin see the real side of him, the murderous side of him, that's why he always kept him away, but even pick on him just to get some attention from him, Mark would always laugh at the way Jeon behaved around Jimin .

But now weeks after the incident, Jeongguk  stopped teasing Jimin, he distanced himself from him, which from Jimin in a point of view was very odd.

Jimin didn't like Jeon, actually he didn't know  much about him except that he was two years senior to him who picked on him a lot,  from the moment he saw Jeongguk he always thought of him as a sweet boy who liked to tease him,  even after Mark's death,  Jimin tried to comfort Gguk but he seemed to always run away from,  and now,  he sees Jeongguk dunking some students face in the toilet while laughing his ass off,  in just a week his bunny Gguk who liked to say stupid words to him just to get his attention had turned into a dark twisted man.

Jimin did not let fear flicker in his eyes as he saw jeongguk throw the unconscious boy on the side and walked towards him while flexing his arms.

' Hey! What are you doing here?', Jeongguk says smirking . All his innocence gone from his big doe eyes,  all Jimin could see were dark cold tunnels when he looked in Jeongguk's eyes.

Jimin gulped,  and said confidently, 'leave that boy or I will report you to the teacher'.

'Aww, look at you kiddo,  you are telling me that you will report about me to the teacher? Did you here that Bambam? This fatso says he will report me to the teacher', his friend laugh with him at Jimin. ' You are one brave omega, I will give you that,  but -', he places his index finger on Jimin's lips as he tries to interrupt him, '-but just like any other Omega you are weak,  I know you are going to tell me how you aren't one and blah blah blah, but I can smell the faint omega scent on you,  you aren't developed by now,  but when you are', Jeongguk whispers in his ears, ' call me up so I can help you when you go in heat',  Jimin tries to push him off and says,  'oh and how do you know you are going to be an alpha? ',  Jeongguk holds his struggling hands in his and comes really close to Jimin's ear and whispers, ' baby, I am worse than an alpha,  I am worse than your worst nightmare,  and Jimin,  this worse side of me wants to devour you like a full course meal, this side of me wants you to be my breeder '.

At that moment,  he used the most derogatory term for an Omega, the term " breeder " was only used for whore omegas.

Jeongguk and his friends laughed as they left the bathroom throwing the plump boy on the ground,  leaving behind a fuming thirteen year old boy .

Even though Jeongguk's heart was breaking from inside,  his brain told him he did the right thing to keep Jimin away from his dangerous side.

Little did he know, that after his full development as an alpha,  his craving for Jimin will increase, and everyday he will regret not apologizing to him,  his sweet omega.

The chapter isn't that good,  but I think it's OK
Also,  Jin's speech at MAMA was heartbreaking, the fact that they thought about disbanding still sends shivers down my spine

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