party pt2

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Jimin's POV

I don't know what happened to me, when i heard those words coming from his mouth, i looked at him, and ran.

I don't know where i am going, but i run. Through corridors pushing everyone, crying hysterically.

He knows my secret.

He knows who i am.

Does he still love me?

I open the front doors and run outside the Palace, the lights decorating it are purple, making the front garden glimmer in the color purple.

While walking down the stair, I slip and fall face down on the grass, before i can get up i feel strong arms pulling me up.

'Are you alright?', The one who picked me up asks with worried eyes. His Alpha scent invades my nostrils, making me feel weak, like any other Omega , i feel giddy. Alpha scent makes Omegas bow down to them, and when in heat, it make them lust for them. I roughly pull myself away from him, only to feel someone else hold me, wrapping their strong arms around me.

'That's my boyfriend sir, he got lost in his way', Tae's husky voice tells him to back off from his so-called mate , me. The man bows respectfully and goes back to the ballroom to attend the party.

'Leave me alone Tae, we can't be together, its over!', I shout, struggling to free myself from his arms.

'NOW WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER? WHAT ABOUT THE TIMES WE SPENT TOGETHER? SUDDENLY YOU FEEL THAT JUST BECAUSE I KNOW YOU ARE AN OMEGA WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER?', he growls, my Taehyung never growled at me,maybe when we made love, but never during a conversation.

I stand there. Frozen, as he continues talking

'Look Jimin, even i am not ....a ...perfect Vampire myself, and i don't think it is bad for you to be a Wolf'

'Wolves and Vampires like us have died-'

'I KNOW, i know, but can we not think about the negativity? Can we for once be positive about this,huh? '

'I don't live in fairy tales Tae-'

'Why?' he quivers, for the first time, i see tears in his eyes. He doesn't cry much, he has always been the tough one in the relationship.

He falls down on his knees and looks up at me, 'Lets forget about all this, lets run away,please!' he breaks down crying, he holds my hands and cries like a little baby.

'You know i wanted to kill you, when i found out who you were, but over time, i fell for you, now i would rather kill myself than you', he cries.

I just stand there, struggling to keep my tears from falling. Yes , even i had thought of it that way, that if me and Tae ever got married i will forever keep my Omega profile hidden, but those are just fairy tales, some day some one will find out, today Tae found out , one day the whole world will find out. I don't mind dying for my love but what is the point in sacrificing myself if he dies too?

'I-I don't know T-tae', my voice quivers, i have never seen Tae like this, so broken.

His hand slips in one of his trousers revealing a small blue velvet box.

'N-no Tae! Y-you cant do that', i fall down on my knees making him stop from opening the box.

I know what is the box.

The death-love box.

And just like every other death-love box, when he flipped it open, a delicate diamond ring was inside it and right beside it, a small empty bottle.

He opens his mouth and shows a black colored tablet placed under his tongue.


'you are drunk Taehyung, you aren't thinking straight!!', my vision gets blurry from my tears, my ears in fear of hearing those words.

The words that will kill the both of us.

'Marry me Jimin, and i will forever love you and cherish you, and if you don't i will present you with no lies, i will this instant kill myself' He says with determination evident in his voice .

This is blackmail.

Had i been a Vampire , i would have kissed him and said yes happily.

But i am not, even though i want to say yes, i can't. I can't put his life in danger for something as selfish as love.

Though now i try to convince myself that my answer truly depends on the poison in his mouth, my heart knows that is not the truth.

i look in his warm eyes and say, 'Yes, i will marry you Kim Taehyung'

In seconds he spits out the tablet from his mouth , takes out the ring from the box and places it on my ring finger on my left hand.

He pulls me in a tight embrace breathing in my scent and whispers in my ears,'you are mine now, and i am yours, all i need to do now is to mark you.'

I softly cry on his shoulder while he picks me up and takes us to our room.

I don't know what the future holds for us, but for this night i will forget everything just for my Vampire Prince.


double update!!

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