Jeon Jinsung

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Third Person POV

Many Years Ago

"And 1! 2! 3! come on! come on! faster! look at you Alphas, running like weak Omegas", the instructor ordered.

It was the monthly sports evaluation day at the Alpha House, and all most all the young sixteen year old Alphas looked like someone had sucked their life out of them by the last event, which was completing ten rounds of a race track which was five kilometers in circumference.

Well, except for Jin, he was the only one who looked like he was running while the others had already fallen to the ground breathing heavily.

Everyone knew Jin was an Ace student, he was the best at everything, he came first in every race, beat up his opponent to pulp in every boxing match, was the one to reach the top of a tree in lowest time , he was charming and good looking and respectful. He was the one of those rare alphas who did not burn the food during cooking duty, but actually created one of the best dishes for his classmates. He was the best at everything.

Which resulted in all the Alphas to be jealous of him.

Specifically Jeon Jinsung.

When Jinsung was still in school he was the best at everything and everyone around him cowered under him, but here in the Alpha house, everyone worshiped the great, to-be-king-of-the-werworld Alpha Kim SeokJin.

And Jinsung didn't like that, he didn't like to see someone else being better than him, especially a Proto-Alpha. He wanted to see Jin broken, crying, cowering below him, that had become one of his life's goals.

Everyone in the Alpha House knew that Jin was one of those Alphas who could give birth and hence went through heats like Omegas do, but those heats were rare unlike Omegas.

Jinsung and Jin's parents had been best friends, and hence right after they both graduated from the Alpha house, they got married as per their parents wishes.

On their wedding night, Jin and Jinsung slept on the two corners of the bed not even looking at each other.

One day while they were having breakfast, Jin fainted right on the table making everyone worry about him.

He was pregnant.
Which made Jinsung hate Jin even more.
Because he knew that the child growing inside Jin was not his.
Everyone else assumed the child was Jin and    Jinsung's, they were married right?

The day Jinsung got to know that Jin was pregnant was the day from when he did everything in his power to make Jin's life difficult. He would force him to clean his room even when there were maids to do that for him, or agree to complete his sexual needs in return for him to not tell anyone the truth.
Half truth.  Jinsung knew the child was not his, but he did not know whose it was.
And honestly he didn't care.

He didn't even care when his husband disappeared one night in the rain and later after a few days came back with a tiny baby wrapped in a blanket and drenched in blood.

That night when he came back, Jinsung felt even more thrill in fucking Jin.  One of the strongest Alphas in the were world. He liked seeing Jin weak below his body, broken while the infant screams on the cold ground.
He felt pride in destroying someone as strong as Jin.

And over the years, Jinsung did the exact same thing to Jeongguk.
Destroying him to his very core.
Telling him lies, abusing him in every way possible.
And Jin couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't stop Jinsung from kicking him everyday.
Because whatever he did, atleast his beautiful son was alive.
On Jeongguk fourteenth birthday  when Jin asked what Jeongguk wanted as a birthday gift he asked for Jinsung's soul as a present.

May be Jin was just angry at Jinsung, maybe that anger that he had locked up in an imaginary room in his mind was resurfacing, he doesn't know why he said that, but what he said that night,  he regrets saying that.
He said, as he combed his son's hair,

'Why do you ask me for that, if you want it, take it yourself'.

Who knew that the very next day Jinsung died by drowning in the lake near the purple house.

An ace swimmer like him died because of drowning.


Jin didn't feel bad when he saw his Husband's corpse lying in the wooden casket. All that he was thinking about was how to close the investigation so that his son would continue with his life without being involved in murder.

Again, just like when his hybrid hormones took over his body and had forced him to kill his best friend.

Even now while Jin is chained to a desk, he thinks, is it his fault that Jeongguk grew up this way? 

The edit isn't mine

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