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I little smut... If you don't like it don't read it, it does not affect the story!

Kim Taehyung's pov

I Chuckled as I looked at my mate. He looked so cute with his head supported by my hands. I take him to his room and place him on his bed, tucking him under the blanket.

I hadn't meant to kiss him, it just happened.

One minute I was looking at his ethereal face the next i was kissing the softest pink lips.

He looked so beautiful, with his messy pink fluffy hair with a button nose and his now swollen lips, I kissed him again feeling his lips mold against mine perfectly.

He must have worked really hard for tonight's performance, maybe that must be the reason he fainted.

I kiss his cheeks, then his neck, I want to kiss him all over, hear him moan, he would sound so beautiful chanting my name while I make him cum.

I control myself and try to distract myself by looking around his room.It looks the same as any other room and yet so different, most of the time a Vampire's room is littered with blood bags, but his room does not even have the scent of blood, weird, but then, I am a weird vampire too, can't judge my mate to be an OCD.
He must be keeping his stock of blood bags somewhere, I take a tour of the house, at last finding a cold storage with blood bags neatly kept one over another.
The scent gets stronger, what is happening?

I go back to his room, finding him moaning in his bed, I don't know what to do.

He is burning, not that way, but his body temperature is higher than normal, it feels like I am touching hot iron.

He opens his eyes staring at me, as if pleading me to do something, his whole body is covered with sweat, making his pink hair slick and wet, his lips have lost its natural pink color and look like red cherries ready to pop, his scent has gotten even stronger than before.

He pulls me towards him making me fall on him on the bed, he places his lips on mine, kissing me like there is no tomorrow, his arms and legs wrap around me like a death grip, pushing his tongue in my mouth.

By now i had already lost myself in this beautiful being's scent. I rip off his shirt allowing my hands to roam on his bare soft body, my mouth sucking on his skin, decorating him with bluish purple marks all over his neck and chest. His hands try to take off my clothes and moans in relief when i help him by ripping them off without a thought, his lower part of the body is covered in delicious slick. I go down on him, kissing his soft creamy thighs tasting the slick which pools on the sheets below us, i look at the pretty pink hole and give a small experimental lick, he moans even louder,and slick gushes out even more. I lick him clean while my hands keep working on his pretty pink dick. I go back to kissing his swollen mouth drawing more blood, it tastes so different from Vampire Blood.

For me, vampire blood reminds me of food, while his, makes me want to mate him, to make him mine, to dominate over his small soft body, if only I was like the other vampires I could discuss such things with them.

His plump ass starts grinding on my clothed dick, enticing me to take him, I look for a condom in my torn pants which lay somewhere on the corner, and pull it on my hard member. I always have condoms, I am a nineteen year old Vampire, it's no surprise that I have sex every now and then, though no vampire is fertile until bonded by the soul bond I don't like to take chances.

If I want I can bind the soul bond with my mate, but all of us Vampires are taught to respect each other's choices, someday, my mate might find someone else, another Vampire with the soulbond, and they might be meant to be together, and I don't want to be the one to take that away from Jimin.

After the awards event, I had gone backstage to find him only to find out he was already gone, another dancer told me, that his name was Park Jimin, an Orphan whose parents died serving in the Army, and now is a student at one of the best dance Academy in the US. They gave me his address and that's how I landed here, in his apartment.

I wait for him to get comfortable with my length inside him, the smell of sweat, sex and his scent mixed with mine surround us, his eyes burn with need asking me to move, his body quivers as I rock my hips kissing his gorgeous neck, he cries out digging his nails in my back as he cums around my dick, the feeling makes me growl as I cum inside the condom, feeling disgusted by the rubber, I pull out and immediately throw it  away in the trash can, while my mates cum, drips all over his thighs.

Right now I would sell my soul to fuck him, really fuck him with no protection, filling him with my cum, making him full with my children, binding the soul bond so everyone knows he is all mine to devour.

For now I lick all the delicious fluid that soaks his thighs and stomach, while his eyes close in exhaustion.
He cuddles beside me unconsciously, his body still feels hot and fluids still gush out from his squish ass, but his face looks sated.

I know my mate is different than other vampires, vampires don't behave like this during sex, but for some reason I don't care about it.

I kiss him one last time, taking in the image of his gorgeous body as I doze off beside him.

My first time writing smut

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