The Escape pt 2

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Jimin's pov

Suddenly i felt hands around me covering my mouth and pulling me back to the forest.

I struggled to break free from their hands, and then their scent hit my nostrils, so ..clean, and flowery, almost like lilac and freesia combined together.

Wolves don't smell like this , Alphas and Betas have a musky scent while Omegas have a more fruity scent...who are these people?

With all my strength and some commonsense i bite on the hand covering my mouth and step on the foot of the person standing behind me, the person screams and unknowingly loosens his grip on my, i run deeper into the forest and climb on a tree,good thing i learnt that in school or would have been at the mercy of these ...beings, i really had to know who these people are.

'who are you?' i shout at them.

'as if we are going to tell you, don't make us come up there, we are not going to kill you,... just take you with us.. somewhere' ,one of the two men said, he had minty hair and was comparatively shorter than his partner who had black hair. They both had backpacks and wore timberland shoes, something that i have seen Jeongguk wear when i was in school, these two boys were too skinny to be wolves, and too pale..

'where will you take me?'

'Just climb up their Hoseok we don't have time the flight will leave in an hour', the minty head whispered to the dark head. Did they really think i couldn't hear them? And flight? Wait. Are these people Vampires? But why are they kidnapping me? Maybe i should tell them i want to go there too, maybe they will help?

'hey bloodsuckers, you don't need to kidnap me, i will come with you',

'what?' the one with bow shaped lips who Minty head called Hoseok asked.

'I said i will come with you guys if you take me to the Vampire world with you',

'ok , but we will have to sedate you' said the Minty head

'I just agreed to go with you,then why sedate me?'

'Because your scent is really..ahem..strong it will attract too many people, if we sedate you, your scent will weaken i little bit', the Minty head is smart.

'is there any other way?', i shout from above the tree, still not trusting the fact that they don't want to kill me.

'there is, but we don't know if it will work', Hoseok said in a small voice .

He took out a small bottle of green liquid from his backpack and an injection, he sucked the contents of the bottle in the injection and waited for me to come down.

'This will help suppress your scent, we haven't tried it on anyone, you are the first one' Minty head said as he saw me walking towards him.

I signaled them to inject the liquid by pulling up sleeve of my left hand, i had nothing to loose, if i die here, i have no regrets.

I could feel the liquid going through my veins , i felt numb for sometime, my brain felt light, almost like i had drunk too much of alcohol, i fell on my knees and whimpered as i once again felt gravity pull me down to earth.

'is he OK', Minty head asked Hoseok.

'Yeah, m cool',i say as i slowly stand on my two feet.

The boys came close to me and smelt me, it would have been weird had the circumstances been different. They signaled a thumps up to me telling me they couldn't smell anything.

'if you are really ok then get in the bag, we don't have much time', Hoseok said as Minty head unzipped his backpack.

'are you serious?', i asked

'yep, only during security check the bag or now you will be away form us, but don't worry once you are out of it, we will take you with us to our seat, we won't push you with our luggage', Hoseok laughed nervously.

'and you think during the security check no one will find me out?'

'nope, first as per the rules they are not allowed to touch our bags manually, and during the scanning of the bag, this bag is kinda special, we designed it in such a way, that when they check the contents of our bag through Xrays, this bag gives a static image of what is inside, mainly clothes and hence you will be safe', Hoseok explained as minty head kept the bag open for me to get in.

It was a really large bag and could fit me really well, i folded my legs inside the bag and wrapped my hands on my legs to make myself into a ball.

I could feel myself being lifted up.

'You are heavy', said Minty head.


'The flight is about to take off, please be seated and put on your seat belts',the sweet voice of the air hostess could be heard.

We had passed the security check successfully, the flight attendants weren't allowing such a big bag to be taken inside the Airplane and were asking Hoseok to submit the bag to keep in Luggage area of the airplane. At that moment i thought that if these people agree to it, i would be dead before reaching the Vampire world due to suffocation. But we were saved by a deep voice which i got to know by hearing the conversations that the voice belonged to The Kim Taehyung son of His Highness Kim Namjoon, the Vampire King.

I could hear doors sliding then felt someone unzip the bag , i panicked at first but felt relieved after seeing Minty head, staring back at me.

I got out and stared at the insides of the airplane,i had seen them in books but never in reality, must be a private jet.

It looked more like a room, with beds on each side and small square tables attached to each side.

I sat on one of the chairs taking deep breaths and asked the question i was dying to ask from the beginning.

'why did you want me? I agreed to come with you, but had i not you were going to kidnap me',

Hoseok scratched his head before saying,' We are scientists short of Specimen to test our experiments on.'

'wait, so you mean, you came all the way here to kidnap a wolf so that you could run tests on them?'

'T-the trip was already p-planned f-for other reasons..... we tagged along because we saw our benefit in it', Minty head said



 Not the best chapter, but Jimin is going to US!!! AKA part of  the Vampire world. Next chapter i will introduce Jeongguk . if you like the chapter like and comment . Love you readers <3

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