The Omega House

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Park Jimin PoV

I looked outside the van that was taking us to the Omega House, I expected it to look like a prison cell where us omegas are chained and not given food.

But it was not, it was a big white mansion with children like me running and laughing in the beautiful parks surrounding the mansion.

I guess they don't want to show the horrors that happen to Omegas.

I had made some friends while in the van, one of them was the red head with a weird name i couldn't pronounce and the other one was Sarah, a beautiful dark skinned curly haired little girl, she was sixteen too but she looked younger with her baby like features.

Last night after coming back from school i tried killing myself, but i guess i was not brave enough.

The mansion was just as grand from inside as it was from outside with about a hundred plus rooms. Inside the mansion we were all given a set of clothes and two people were assigned to each room, the rooms weren't small but they weren't big too, they were on the smaller side and really cozy.

Each one of us was handed with two bottles of blue liquid, the lady instructor told us that we should drink the liquid from this bottle only when our Heat overcomes our senses, and the liquid is limited meaning if the liquid gets over they wont be able to give us more of the liquid. Fun fact the bottles were for one whole year

I had learned about the heat back in school in biology class. Heat is something that occurs in an Omega's body ones a month, during this time pheromones are released from the body inviting every other Alpha or Beta whoever is near the Omega for mating, if not mated the Omega would die of the excruciating pain felt in the body.The Heat period lasts for about 10 days . If the Omega is marked by an Alpha or Beta no one else is allowed to even touch the Omega in heat except for their partner. If not marked any wolf can mate with them, i had read about so many cases where the Omegas would die during such times, and our Government would do nothing for their justice.

We were even told about the liquid and how excessive consumption of it is illegal in the society.

That's what i don't like about being an Omega, when they say excessive consumption is illegal, it does not mean that it will harm the Omega but they don't allow it because they want the alphas and Betas to breed with the Omega even if she or he doesn't want to (and their heat forces them to), in reality Omegas don't have the right to say no which is outrageously wrong but our society allows it saying that it isn't rape if the Omega wants it. If only the rules were written by me every werewolf on this planet would have had a free choice.

After giving us instructions and telling us about our day to day schedule, they leave us to rest in our rooms.

I am paired with Sarah, the cute little sixteen year old baby like teenager. The room we are assigned to has two beds attached to the side of the walls with a study table and an attached bathroom, we have one small built in wardrobe where we can keep all our clothes and other belongings. I arrange my stuff on the bottom shelf of the wardrobe while she arranges her stuff on the top shelf.

We both change in the white pants and long sleeved white shirts that we were given to wear at night and try to sleep in our respective beds. Now that i look at the ceiling it feels like this place looks like those mental asylums that we saw in old human movies, the white walls and clothes gave an uneasy feeling to me.

'So, you do know that they are going to prepare us for auction day?' Sarah asked me as she laid down on her bed comfortably. I don't reply to her and she takes my silence as a no.

'Did you get your heat yet?'

'No, you?'

'Yep, last night before the pick up van came to my house to take me, good thing i have an Alpha friend back home, he helped me out, he is my father's friend but it was OK i guess'

I tried not to cringe at her words, that man must be a pedophile if he thought about touching her, he could have reported her to the Omega house where she would be taken care of but no, the old perverted Alpha wanted her for himself.

'Its so funny to think that such rules and ranks do not exist in the vampire world isn't it? I am going to run away to that place'.

'Nobody is allowed to do that, and even if they do most of them die, at least that's what I read in the newspapers' I replied doubtfully.

' That's not true, I know some rogue omegas who have crossed the boundary alive... But I don't know if they are still alive.. In the vampire world. '

' You mean... We can actually escape? '
' there is 1% chance that we can escape but I dont know if we will be able to live in that society. '

I thought about it for sometime before drifting off to sleep.
Let's see if I am able to survive this place.

Was it any good?😫

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