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on the same day

Third person POV

'Morning !'

It was Jimin's cute voice that woke up Taehyung from his slumber. He opened his eyes lazily staring at the boy wearing his blue shirt and no pants drying his hair with a green towel.

Jimin giggled at the man in front of him, who woke up staring at him like a lost puppy, with drool dripping from his mouth, 'Get up stinky man, the bathroom is empty for you, go take a shower, then we have got to discuss what to do next'.

Taehyung yawned loudly, rolling in the bed , 'I wanna sleep', he whined.

Jimin slid his legs in a pair of blue denim jeans and hopped on the bed ,'Come on Tae, dont be so lazy, Get Up', he kicked him playfully but Tae just groaned and wrapped himself with the thick blanket that was still coated with Jimin's scent, 'Go away from here you pest, go irritate someone else'.

Jimin spanked his butt hard.

'Ow! What was that for?', Tae groans peaking out of the thick blanket, 'If you don't get up right now Kim Taehyung, i promise you we are never having sex'.

'You are lying! You won't do that! '

'On the count of three, ONE',Jimin held up one finger, glaring at Tae's sleeping body, 'TWO',


'Okay i am up duckface, i am going and taking a shower', Taehyung said, making Jimin giggle, 'but you have to accompany me in there, what if i sleep again?', Tae pulls Jimin in a hug as he sits down over the bed covers, their faces close enough for them to bite each other, they stare in each other's eyes, outside this room of happiness, a whole different world waits for them, and Tae doesnt want to leave , he wants to stay here with Jimin, giggling and laughing without a care of the world.

Jimin takes a deep breath and gets up from the bed, 'I know you won't ', he gives a faint smile, 'Kai, and your dad, are holding a meeting at the main house, and we have to be present there, its regaurding the current news, the wolf government is taking back their Omega freedom policy',

'No way', taehyung looks puzzled, why would his brother do that? His people specifically Omegas would hate him for that, what advantage does he have over locking up Omeagas?.

'According to the media, he is doing it for the safety of Omegas, he gave my example saying that, the way I was kiddnaped by a crazed Vampire, he doesnt want the same fate for the other Omegas, the Alphas and betas are anyways happy with that policy and no one really care what the Omegas want , i mean, now that i think of it, all this was just a publicity stunt for Jeongguk, so he could get me and be seen as some hero in the public's eyes,and this time, the security is going to be extra tight and the age that they were allowed to leave has increased too, rather than eighteen its twenty now'.

'Wait you are nineteen, that would mean-'

'Yep, you guessed it right, it means Jeongguk is playing the same game like before, he had given freedom to Omeagas so he could find me, now he is taking it back so he can get me, again'.


A loud deafening sound could be heard from the outside.

Someone had invaded Smeraldo.

Jimin, pulled out a gun from the cabinet placed below the TV, and opened the door, just to see chaos outside, the whole man made sky was glimmering red, and everyone were out of their homes with loaded guns in their hands, kids were locked up in schools so they could be kept safe while the others were all forming small groups and killing anyone wearing the soldier uniform, they were Jeongguk's people.

Taehyung quickly dressed up having no time for a shower , taking his gun from below his cusion and walked out to stand behind Jimin as he examined the place.

Jimin knew how to operate a gun, everyone was taught how to right after they stepped inside the society, Sarah had trained him.

They hold hands and run towards the main house killing anyone wearing the soldier uniform. Someone pulls Jimin from the waist screaming, 'I found the Omega-', but before he could complete his sentance, Jimin shot his head killing him on the spot.

The main house wasn't far from thier home, so they didn't need a car.

'WHERE WERE YOU BOTH?, ', Namjoon bellowed as he saw them huffing and panting as they reached the control room of the main house building. Kai, Sarah, minhyunk and Hyunwoo, (the omega mates) were gaurding the room while Namjoon growled at the two for being late.

'Why aren't you out there fighting dad?', Tae asks only to follow his father's eyes, towards a corner where Yoongi sat holding his stomach with Hoseok holding his hand and the doctor while the doctor pierced a needle through Yoongi.

'He had a tracker fitted inside him, we were so focused on you two that we forgot about them, ofcourse Jeongguk would place a tracker in Yoongi, he was the one who was with him last,', Namjoon slapped his head hard, his grey hair and wrinkeld forehead made him look older than his age.

Namjoon is a Vampire, he is immortal, but he hadn't had blood since a long time, which was showing on his now old wrinkled face. He looks at them both with his dark eyes, and says,

'The tracker is destroyed but it wouldnt take much time for the whole wolf army to reach here, we are taking the children and anyone who is pregnant to China through the underground train right now-'

'Jimin should go too', Taehyung cuts him.


'He is behind you, wants you, its better if you leave, i am not going to sacrifice you for this, if he finds me i will kill him, you better leave with the Others, Bora and Sarah will be there with you to protect you.'

So should he leave or not?

I have two scenarios of the ending, so your answer means a lot to me.
Secondly, I know this story isn't that great, but for sure the next story I write will be better than this.
Third, I was on a long hiatus because of personal problems,  and I think I will be disappearing from wattpad again for some time due to my exams (I am a third year engineering student flunking in her exams currently) but that would only be for a month, till then you guys have time, please choose carefully, one choice saves them both, but the other.... 😉 It can kill them... It's up to you guys.

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