Jeon Jeongguk

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Look A monster..

Don't kill me!!

I got up panting at midnight drenched in sweat. These kinds of nightmares were not new to me but still scared me. I got up and looked at the time it was 3 am in the morning.

Yesterday was tiring, after the whole event at the Purple House I was back on my desk calling almost every Intelligence Agency asking them about what was going on with the Omega Welfare Project, and as I had expected the results were not at all good.

This Project was started by me right after I graduated from the Alpha House, of course being the Alpha King's son I could have ignored this and asked one of my subordinates to do it for me but that wouldn't have helped at all.

South Africa was a free continent for Omegas now, giving them access to jobs, higher education against the will of the Alphas was hard, but we did it.
We didn't allow the media to cover it, we as in me and the intelligence agency were keeping this project undercover, because we knew that if any Alpha outside the continent got to know about it they would be against it.

When my Father Kim Seokjin was my age even he had started this project, but my granddad and Jeon Jinsung , had forcefully shut it down. Good thing they are dead now, or else what they did with my father they would have done that with me.

Jeon Jinsung ,the man who called himself my father never acted like one when he was alive. I was happy when he died, does that make me a bad son? Maybe it did, but I don't much care about it, he never behaved like my father anyways.

I get up from my bed and strip from my suit taking off my shoes and socks in the process and go to the bathroom to take a shower, I was so tired that after reaching home all I did was wrap myself in my thick blanket and go off to sleep not caring about taking off my clothes, the ice cold water feels good on my skin, after the shower I wrap a towel around my waist and look for my favourite pair of pyjamas in the walk-in closet in my room, they are pink in colour with bunnies printed on it, yes I am a nineteen year old alpha who likes bunnies.

I take my pills and try to sleep again.

Pills that help me control my anger and my weird behaviour, I have been taking these pills since the age of three, back then I didn't know why I was taking these pills, I understood the importance of these pills when one day I forgot to take them....

Back in school, when I was in grade five a really cute boy walked in my class with a box of candies and went straight to the teacher, 'Good morning ma'am, my name is Jimin, and I turn eight years old', in our school, it was like a tradition for students to go to every classroom and give candies to teachers on their birthdays, this tradition was followed by the younger students, the ones aged between eight to ten, mainly because the older ones found it childish and embarrassing.

Something pulled me towards him, his black hair which he dyed pink when he grew up ,his round adorable pixie face , his cute small hands which held the candy box , just called to me. The teacher urged all the students to sing the HAPPY BIRTHDAY song for the little boy making him giggle.

He was just an adorable little boy who when he left the classroom took my heart with him.

Time went by and we all grew up, over the years I had found out that his name was Park Jimin who was two years younger than me, an orphan whose Beta parents died serving in the Army . I knew I was in love with him and liked to tease him a lot, it was the only way I could get his attention, and I craved for it.
It was just another day in school when it all happened.

' You OK Jeongguk? ', Jimin asked me.
His locker was near my locker, and well when I fell down out of exhaustion while taking out my P. E kit from the locker he asked me if I was OK.
I wasn't feeling well, but after seeing Jimin's worried face I lied, ' yeah I am fine'.

' hey! All the hate aside, you really don't look good, let's go to the infirmary ',

'Hey I really am OK, just a bit tired, don't worry about me Jiminie',
I said with a small smile. As I picked up my P. E kit and walked towards the school ground.
I tried to find the special pills that my dad had given to me, he had always told me that if I felt anything different I should take them.

I had ran out of them that day, this never happened with me before, my dad used to mix it in my water bottle when I was a child, and when I grew up I would keep them in my bag without fail.

Just like always after P. E all of us went to the washroom to take a shower, I could feel my body heat up in the shower, and could smell every wolf in the washroom.

'Hey you OK in there?'

Mark my really good friend asked as he knocked on the bathroom door of the cubicle where I was showering.

By now everyone had left, and I knew that, I could smell Mark, I could hear his heart beat.
I don't know what happened except when I came to my senses, Mark was lying in front of me, with his chest ripped open and blood pooling around his dead body, I was still naked, with blood all over my hands mouth and torso.
I should have shouted for help, but I was so scared, I started to clean all the blood, wore my clothes and ran towards the headmaster's office and told the Principal about Mark, I told them that he suicided in front of me.
They believed me, they had to anyways, they didn't have any proof that I did it, the kind of marks that were present on Mark's body looked like an animal attack, and I was still fifteen back then, which meant I was not an Alpha.
They would never suspect a fifteen year old to do this.

I was saved that day.
Everyone in school knew Mark was my best friend and that I won't murder him, and even if I did nobody would be able to prove that a fifteen year old with zero strength would rip off someone's chest.

I tried to sleep again, this time my head clouding with images of a certain pink haired boy.

That's Jiminie in Jeongguk's dreams 💜

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