The Scent

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Kim Taehyung's pov

I love my life here, in the Vampire part of the world A. K. A Chicago, after landing I went straight home and first showered in the heavenly warm water. It felt so good on my cold skin, I breathed deeply frowning at the disappearance of the scent, a really flowery one at that, which was really funny in my case because every person existing on this planet, a vampire, a wolf or those synthetic humans that we grow in our labs, all of them smell like food... Delicious well.. except for Jeon Jeongguk of course he has a very repulsive scent, at first I used to be confused but after that incident I knew I was different, unique, or weird as my school mates  used to call me.

I hadn't met my friends at all during the whole trip, they were really sneaky all the time, but I didn't ask them why, I trust them too much for such things. They must have uprooted some kind of a really sweet smelling plant and stuffed it in that bag of theirs, if they wanted it so badly they could have asked me I would have bought it for them, taking away anything from across the boundary is considered to be illegal ,even  for a small grain of dust we sign contracts and these idiots got a whole plant... At least that what I think, plants are the only thing that don't make me hungry.

But this scent was hypnotising,the whole time in the flight I was controlling my self to not go to their room and ask them for that plant... Weirdest thing was that... I felt at peace as that scent surrounded me, as if it was calling me, for some reason I felt like protecting the source of the scent which I have convinced myself was a plant, even when the flight attendant told Hoseok Hyung to submit the bag at the luggage area I requested the flight attendant to allow the baggage inside the plane. Yes the scent was that addictive.

Funny how no one around me could smell it, I even asked Jackson one of the Vampire council members who had come with me and he said he couldn't smell anything.

I blamed it on my DNA for being so addicted to the scent then, everything is different for me and the only person to whine I can talk about it is my father.

I had slept in the flight for a while, it was good for me because while it was night time in Tokyo Japan, it is morning here in Chicago so yeah, rather than taking a nap I take a shower and decide to meet Yoongi and Hoseok Hyung at their personal lab at their home.

Whatever that plant is,  I will ask them for a part of that plant and plant it in my garden.

I eat my breakfast, which is basically a large amount of blood and a plate of bacon and eggs(during the shipping of food from here to the other side of the boundary my dad would save me some of it). While Vampires can not eat solid food, I can but no one knows this except for my dad, even the maids of our house are not allowed to enter my room without asking for my permission for this reason.

I thought about not going for work today, no body can say anything about it anyways, I am the CEO of Bangtan company, the largest synthetic blood producing company, I am allowed to skip work from time to time.

When I reach their lab and get out of my car I take a deep breathe , I can smell that alluring scent again,I try and open the door and find it locked, those two never lock their house, not even when they are having sex, yeah I have caught them many times and everytime I have left with a shook expression on my face, then why did they lock it today?
I knock on the door and wait for them to open,  I cab smell their scents too so I know they are at home and not outside so they can't pretend to be not at home too, they have to open the door.

"Hey, Tae-Tae sup?", a really disheveled Hoseok answers the door.

'Wow! So today you think about locking your door? What are you doing anyways? Any new experiments?', I am angry, they never lock doors they are not telling me something, and even if I ignore that fact I don't like it.

' W-we are really busy Tae, i-its about the Vampire Army, w-we are trying to create a type of a fluid that can-' before Hoseok could complete his sentence yoongi came behind him like a silent cat and said in a serious tone,  'Tae we are really busy, and we can't tell you why, so please leave'.

'OK, OK I will leave, do what you want, I won't interrupt  you but.. Can you by any chance give me that plant?', I ask showing my boxy grin.

'What plant??', hobi hyung asks me with wide eyes.

'The one you got from Tokyo? Yeah I could smell the plant, don't worry I won't tell anyone about it',  I grin as I assure them.

'Ummm,  Tae-Tae we kinda used the plant in an experiment ',  Yoongi says as he scratches his head nervously.

'What? You are kidding me, I can still smell the scent, and it is quite strong', I really want that plant, then scent is so addictive.

'Yeah that's because we used it just now, so the scent hasn't gone from the house', Hoseok Hyung stuttered as he answered me.

'OK bye Tae', Yoongi said.

And just like that they slammed the door on my face.

This was more of a filler chapter. 😅💜
Also how is it possible that Taehyung could smell the so called "plant" while others could not? I think the answer is in the previous chapters. Anyways... If you liked the chapters vote and comment.
Love you all my readers!!!

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