New Life

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Jimin's POV

Just like the way Yoongi and Hosoek had helped me get through the security check Tokyo, they did the same after landing in USA Chicago, that is stuffing me in a bag till they reached their destination.


'You mean you agree to our terms and condition?' Hoseok ask me with wide eyes.

Hoseok and Yoongi take me to their personal Laboratory to check a few tests on me, to check if I am healthy with no diseases. After doing all of that, they take care of the bruises and wounds that I had covered so well by my oversized sweater. I bite my lip as they spread some type of an ointment on my wounds. The stinginess does not bother, what bothers me is how fast my bruises heal and my skin looks like nothing ever happened.

'yeah I don't mind it, just that it shouldn't be harmful', I say in a small yet confident voice.

'Ummm about that... We really don't know, but don't worry we won't let anything happen to you, and if anything does, atleast we won't let you die', Hoseok says scratching his head nervously.

'And by the way, why did you require a wolf for such tests?', I asked them.

'You see, a Vampire's DNA has much more in common with werewolves than anyone else in the world, so we thought we can try tests on wolves than animals since it will give accurate if not perfect results.' Yoongi tells me confidently.

'Well then why don't you ask any Vampires?'

'Almost all Vampires have enough money to feed their great grand children without working for it, do you think they would agree to be our patients for our experiments?', Hoseok laughs at his own sentence, no one would want to work with them, except for Taehyung, but he is a famous man, if anything happens to him, the two scientists will be thrown in the jail, kidnapping a wolf was their only idea left. So they went for it.

' You will have to stay here for today, tomorrow we will give you your fake passport and four to five bottles of scent suppressants and a place to live, I guess that would be enough right?', Yoongi looks around the lab as he says this.

' I would require something else too', I stutter as I ask.

'And that is?', Hoseok asks.

'Do you know about estrous suppressants?I have some bottles of the liquid... Can you make more of them?', I try to pull up my cute eye smile, the smile that has made millions of people to fall in love with me, as I say this.


Hoseok and Yoongi take me to a one room apartment and tell me that it's my home now, they give me my fake passport and tell me that they will give me the estrus suppressants when it is ready. The one room apartment has a small inbuilt vegetable garden which Hoseok tells me I could use it for cooking food. I tell them that I don't just eat Vegetables but also non vegetarian food, to which they answer nervously that they have no knowledge about solid food but they will surely get meat for me, they said that there are food outlets here where drinking blood from animals is considered to be a challenge and that in those food outlets meat is wasted, they said that if they can they will get the meat from time to time from there.

They did get almost twenty big packets of instant ramen from my homeland, they said that they found them in the kitchen of the purple house, while Hoseok took me to the Airport Yoongi had gone back to the Purple house and stuffed whatever solid food he found, which was basically lots of instant ramen noodles.

The apartment is beautiful and cozy looking. It is fully furnished and looks to beautiful, so beautiful that if such kind of apartments exist in my homeland they would be owned by Alphas. The apartment is a bit dusty, given the fact that no one has ever lived here, but that doesn't make me sad, it energizes me to pick up my broom and clean the house.

It's night time when I settle on my kingside bed with a big bowl of instant ramen with boiled chopped vegetables in one hand and switch on the flat screen TV that is mounted on the wall in front of the bed. I watch some V-dramas as I have my dinner, my first meal as I land in Chicago.

I look outside and slide the wide window and see as the city starts waking up as the night seeps in. I switch off the TV and walk out in the balcony/vegetable garden and look down from the railing, my apartment is on the fiftieth floor and the world looks beautiful from such a height. The vampires are rich for sure, while we wolves are still living in human ruins the Vampires had already built up a futuristic city. The city is lit up with all kinds of lights, I could hear some kind of music being played somewhere, and it sounds so peaceful.

I close my windows and walk around my house, I switch of all the lights in the house and prepare my self to sleep, maybe my life is not going to be so bad, maybe my dream of becoming a dancer will become true.

With that thought in my mind I sleep on my new plush bed.

Third Persons POV

Jimin sleeps happily for the first time after almost a year.

He feels that, all his sadness has ended and that no one will ever find him out, he can actually audition for some dance school s and make his dream come true.

He smiles in his sleep thinking this is the ending, the peak of his life, the life with no sorrows only happiness.

But he doesn't know how wrong he is, he doesn't know that this is just the beginning...

Soooo,... Did you like it.?
Yeah... The last line was too corny 😂😅💜💜💜💜
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Love you my readers💜💜



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