The Dancer

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Third person pov

Kim Taehyung wanted to sleep and not attend some stupid award show, him and his dad were invited to the Mnet Vampire Music Awards or MVMA in short. He had attended the award show once not so long ago and wouldn't mind admitting that he slept while watching one of the performances.
He wore a white Gucci suit with a Rolex watch which complemented his look, his hair was dyed red giving him the look of a cliche "Arrogant rich bad boy from movies". Had it been one of his parties he would have asked one of his personal designers to design a suit for him and not wear a Gucci suit he had already worn once. Kim Taehyung does not like to repeat clothes.

It had been a few months since his meet with the werewolves and was quite glad to get back to his life, his work efficiency had sky rocketed as the demand for synthetic blood from their company had gone high, it was because of a new product, this product basically was a kind of capsule of synthetic blood which if you mixed with any kind of human food like smoothies, it would blend in with the smoothie or any other food and make it digestable. About a few months ago it was only possible in stories but now after the launch of this product which in named as "TaTa", every vampire can drink not only blood but even eat or drink human food.

Human food consisted of vegetables and animal meat which for centuries used to get shipped off to the other side of the boundary for the werewolves, not that werewolves couldn't fend for them selves but because of their rapid growing population they needed more .

Also, for some twisted reason Taehyung liked the fact that if human food is used for the needs of vampires, there will be less food for the wolves.

Now they can use it here too.

It was still really expensive though so only really rich Vampires could buy it, but Taehyung had promised his customers that in some years just like how synthetic blood is cheap even this capsule will be free.

The main purpose of the capsule is,
For the astronauts who now don't need to take bags of blood while space travelling, all they need are these capsules. It can be a great help for Vampires who loved travelling, now they don't have to rely on ten day old or more old blood bags that they had packed with them, they can just pop a TATA pill every time they get thirsty.

Taehyung had been trying to perfect the formula with the help of Yoongi and Hoseok, though the capsule had already been invented before the meet with the wolves, they launched the product after they all came back home.

Taehyung hated the fact that Hoseok and Yoongi weren't invited, he was jealous that they could stay at home while he had to attend this show and meet strange Vampires who think make up and fashion is more important than relationships amongst each other. Just like always when he reached the location of the Award show the place was already crouded with media. He took his own sweet time to get down from his silver Bugatti and walk down the red carpet, stopping in the middle allowing the media to take good pictures of him, though he was tired and hated this place, he had to look presentable on the newspapers.

Taehyung's pov

I sat on one of the tables that me and Dad were assigned to and waited for him to join me. The whole place gave me chills, too many people made me uncomfortable.
I am not an introvert or anything, just a vampire-cum-cannibal who if comes in contact with another Vampire/Werewolf/human wouldn't mind eating them... Except for Mr. Jeongguk he just plane stinks to me, like a dirty stinky sock.

The Award show was already started as they announce winners for respective awards. The cheers from the audience from the respective fans of their artist distract me a little bit from the delicious scents of thousands of Vampires surrounding me. The Artists all have round tables assigned to them, while the fans stand at the back behind a barricade which separates us from them, they hold cheerful slogans supporting the Artists while chanting their names continually. I was the guest invited at the Award show so we as in me and my dad(who has still not arrived) were assigned a table nearest the stage.

Finally my father joined me giving me a hug then settled down, drinking his ice blood drink as he apologized to me for coming late.

At one point when we both were immersed in talking about how my work was going on, I smelt something unique.

The scent was back.

I turned my head towards the stage, trying to find the source of the scent. Apparently me and my Appa were so engrossed in our conversation I did not notice that some kind of performance had started. The main singer stood in the middle of a circle created by eight dancers as she sang while the dancers danced gracefully around her, she was dressed in a white gown while the male dancers were dressed in black see through l long sleeved lace shirts and black trousers. The performance was beautiful, with the Singer successfully reaching high notes without cracking.

Third person pov

After the performance, everyone clapped, except for Kim Taehyung, he on the other hand was staring blankly at a particular dancer.
'Who's that?' he asks, his voice deep and low.

'Thats a new singer in the showbiz, I think her name is Tuzyu, she is great, that was her deb-'

' Not her Appa, I am talking about him. '

'who?', ask Namjoon as he follows his son's eyes to a particular pink haired boy. Unlike the other dancers, his body is small and lean, he has a child like face and smiles at the audience as he bows down after the performance.

' I don't know son, why do you ask? '

' he has a scent, I have smelt it, about a few months ago, at Yoongi's he said it was a flower, but then why do I smell the scent on him?'.

' I don't smell any scent. There are only two reasons for this, one, it can be because of some perfume scent you really like, and if it's not, then son only one thing can make a Vampire so addicted to someone's scent. '

What is that?', Taehyung asks not taking his eyes off from the boy.

'The soulbond '.



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The story has just begun.. Dun dun dun

orry for being cheesy 😅

Love you all my readers.


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