Chapter Thirty-One

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Jrasic didn't bother to turn on a light even as the curtains shut out whatever misty light the rising full moon showered on the cabin

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Jrasic didn't bother to turn on a light even as the curtains shut out whatever misty light the rising full moon showered on the cabin. His shirt was tossed to the bedroom floor, the only preparation he took to the impending forced shift. Scents came from downstairs, telling him Wren and Lynea were already doing whatever they normally did for their own moons, each simply waiting to see what sharing it with this new pack would bring.

Terra slipped into the room and started to pace with a heavy sigh. "What if I mess up?" she asked him in a low whisper. "What if something happens?"

Jrasic looked up from where he sat on the bed and rose a brow to her. "You can't really mess up a full moon," he said with a hint of amusement. "Do you have any ideas for what you want to do?"

Terra paused and peered out the curtain. "Actually, yes." She turned back to give him a slight smile but it was quickly replaced by her nerves.

"Then don't worry." Jrasic stood up and came to her, hands to her arms. "Whatever you decide to do, they'll follow you. A pack's first run is special, it unites them. Just do what comes naturally."

Terra sighed and put her head against his chest. "Alright," she whispered.

Jrasic kissed the top of her head and wound his arms around her. "It will be fine."

Terra put her arms around him as well and just sighed. "And we can have the rest of the night to ourselves?" she asked with a hidden smile.

"If that's what you want," he murmured.

Terra tipped her head up to him, still with her grin. "I always want that."

A slanted smile crossed his own face as he met her gaze. "Then I'd really like that," he said and kissed her lightly.

Terra laughed and turned her gaze to the closed curtains. "We should get going," she whispered.

"I guess we should." Jrasic parted from her but slid a hand to hers.

The cabin below them was loud as the rest of the wolves started to move outside. Lynea was already out in the backyard when Jrasic and Terra came out. She nodded to Jrasic when he met her gaze but then motioned to the side of the deck. He found Erica and Wren there, the boy speaking softly to her though the girl looked mostly unresponsive.

"It's going to be an interesting night," Jrasic murmured.

Terra gave him a small smile and looked off to Jessie, and Jake chatting beside her. As Jessie laughed softly at something he said, Terra's smile only grew. "Yes it will," she whispered back.

With a nod, Terra stepped out to the middle of the yard and peered up at the moon. She counted the wolves to be sure each was present before she called the shift upon her. Pain spread through her body for just a moment before she landed as a wolf and let out a sharp howl.

All attention was turned onto the Alpha as her howl rang through the yard. Jrasic shifted next but hung back by Lynea who dropped into her golden-brown wolf. He was aware of the pants and groans from the corner but let Wren help Erica into her own wolf and just watched Terra.

The Alpha waited as every wolf shifted and sat patiently to give them each enough time. When all were wolves Terra stood again and walked to Jake. He ducked his head to her but she gave a soft bark and beckoned him forward with her.

Hesitantly, he followed her out to the tree line where Terra sat and faced the rest of them. With a small but questioning look, Jake watched her and sat at her side. Terra nudged him, and again he questioned her, but after a moment he began to howl and Terra joined him.

Jrasic and Lynea exchanged glances, the slender wolf with her ears back. Jrasic only looked forward to the new leaders of their pack and was the first to turn his muzzle to the sky and howl to them. Hesitating only at first, Lynea followed suit along with the other voices of the pack they belonged to.

Terra paused to listen to the chorus of voices within her pack and tipped her head to the moon. She watched Jake and nudged him again, cutting off his howl with a squeak. Her shoulders shook with laughter and she tackled him to the ground only to quickly be pinned in turn after the surprise wore off.

Wren darted to them and barreled into Jake, hardly moving the appointed Beta even an inch. He latched on to Jake's side in a fit of playful growls, pretending to defend his Alpha. When Jake rolled off Terra she stood and only shook out her pelt. The Beta pushed Wren away and the pup got to his paws only to bounce at him again.

A huff of amusement came at Terra's side as Jrasic approached, Lynea following behind. Terra nudged at Jrasic and looked off to where Jessie wandered at the edge of the tree line. She barked at her friend and the healer turned to them again. Jake stepped up beside Terra and huffed at Wren before swinging his muzzle toward Jessie.

The young pup threw his gaze to the distance she-wolf and pranced over to her. He pressed his flank dramatically against her, twisting his head this way and that to look at her upside-down.

Jessie lowered her nose down to his and pushed at him gently with her paw. She lifted her gaze to Terra and just gave her a small nod.

With a light bark, Wren danced around Jessie though flicked his ears to Erica. The slim silver wolf padded over to the young pup and Jessie, bowing her head to the healer. She and Wren both turned their attention onto Terra.

Jrasic puffed out a breath and nudged his muzzle to Terra before stepping back among the others. At his prompt, Terra barked and turned to the forest. Jake immediately joined her side and they took off into the woods, the rest following. She traced an easy path and went at a pace for every wolf to keep up. Terra leapt a log and sighed at the wind rushing through her fur with only the moon's light to guide her.

Her pack kept with her, no one ever falling too far behind or pulling head. They followed their Alpha freely through the forest, the moon tying them together with each pawstep.

Just a reminder that we update every two days, with TWO chapters each time! If you haven't read chapter 30, make sure to do so!

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Just a reminder that we update every two days, with TWO chapters each time! If you haven't read chapter 30, make sure to do so!

Thank you for reading this far, and we hope you enjoy this update!

-Samantha and Runaja

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