Chapter Thirty-Seven

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For the first day in the last week, it wasn't pouring rain

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For the first day in the last week, it wasn't pouring rain. Terra stood by the road and watched the motel across the street, though she and her Beta didn't approach. Terra was in a heavy hoodie with a scarf and gloves, an order by Jessie.

She started to fidget and Jake leaned closer and said, "Just wait here. You never know what the humans may be up to at this point, and the Hunters will know we're here."

"I know," she muttered her voice strained and scratchy. "It's just been a while."

Jake nodded in agreement but just looked forward. He glanced to their left and watched the passing cars, trying to pick up on the Hunters before they arrived.

The same van pulled out into view and came up to the curb, parking before the motel. Nothing happened for a while then the passenger door opened and a man stepped out, a hood drawn far over his head. He kept to the front of the car and looked out across the street directly to the waiting wolves.

Terra watched back and didn't take her gaze from the Hunters. "They're waiting," she said as soft as she could manage.

"Wait for them to come to us," Jake instructed his lips barely moving.

One of the back doors opened and a second Hunter stepped out. The two shared a glance then the first turned and simply started down the street. Shooting a look to the wolves, the other followed and neither said a word.

"Follow slowly," Jake instructed.

They moved down the street and Jake left his senses open for more Hunters that may have been joining them.

Terra peered after them and slowed as they moved towards a coffee shop. "Where are they going?"

"It's probably a designated meeting spot."

The Hunters paused by the coffee shop, the second holding the door open. The first threw a glance to Terra and Jake before entering with his partner in tow.

When Jake gave her a nod, Terra entered, with him quickly behind, and they moved to the Hunters. They sat in front of the two in silence, Jake protectively close to Terra.

Neither Hunter lowered their hoods. One sat back with his head tipped downward, face buried in his hood, while the other faced the wolves straight on. It was the same Hunter Terra met in the journalist's motel room and he watched her alone, the Beta ignored. "How is the girl?" he said, voice just low enough to match the shop's calm atmosphere.

"She's coping," Terra replied. "It's a difficult and slow process." She sat easily compared to Jake, her Beta tense beside her. Even so, she worked hard not to show her illness.

"I hope that's true," the Hunter said. He sat straight with hands folded together on the table, a contrast to his partner.

Terra tipped her head at him and sneezed suddenly into her sweater. She recovered quickly and met his gaze. "We all handle drastic change in our own way."

The Hunter nodded. "Does your request still stand?"

"It does," she said instantly. "If we wish to succeed we require your assistance."

"Then you know we have to ask for something in return," the Hunter said.

Terra offered a short nod and glanced at Jake. "I do hope it is something we can accept."

The Hunter followed her gaze. "As do we," he said and casually watched Terra again. "You have two assassins." He nodded to Jake though his gaze never left Terra. "We want you to turn them in."

Terra's gaze immediately grew hard and Jake openly turned most of his attention to her. "No," she said.

"Terra-" She didn't take her gaze from Jake but the slight movement of her hand stopped his words.

"They are members of my pack. No matter who they may have been in the past, they are apart of my family. You cannot have them."

"Even if it means you don't get our help?" the Hunter said.

Terra tapped the table softly with her fingers and shook her head. "I would lose in a different way."

"And they're that important to you?" he said. "You have barely been with them long. Maybe a few moons at best. Maybe we can understand about your sire, but him..." He eased his gaze to Jake, a brow raised.

"Then perhaps you do not understand friendship, and companionship." Terra crossed her legs and sniffed. "And," she added. "It is what a pack creates in our bonds. A good, wholesome pack. We are both human and wolf, and that is what makes our family and our bond all the more powerful."

The Hunter held her gaze firmly though didn't say anything. He leaned back after a moment and glanced to his partner. The second Hunter nodded slowly and sat up more. The first crossed his arms and faced Terra and Jake again. "One of us will be stationed with you," he said. "Prepare your wolves to work with our people and see how your pack functions. There isn't a set time frame for how long this will last or take, but given your time frame before your Alpha battle, hopefully not long."

A look of surprise crossed her face that Terra could not prevent. She cleared her throat to cover her cough and nodded.

Jake, however, let out a short growl. "How do we know we have your word? That you won't take the chance to eradicate us?"

"You're the ones who came to us," the Hunter said. "But if you don't think six wolves can handle a single Hunter in their territory..."

"They can handle it," Terra said quickly. "We will be wary, just as I'm sure you will be."

Jake's growl faded but he still scowled at the Hunters. He didn't say a word against Terra's decision.

"That's our offer," the Hunter said, gaze shifting to Terra. "One of us stays with you and will be the only Hunter in contact with you. If you prefer, your location doesn't have to leave beyond that Hunter either."

Terra gave a short nod. "The pack will get used to your presence, or they can deal with it."

The Hunter sat straight again, making to rise. "If that's something you can agree with, he'll be ready to join you as soon as this evening if you're ready."

"Your location will remain confidential," the second Hunter said, finally speaking. "And will not be released to anyone without your permission."

Terra and Jake stood together and she glanced around the cafe. "Jake will be outside the cafe tomorrow morning to serve as a guide."

Both Hunters stood as well, the second moving out toward the door. "Until then," the first Hunter said and just followed after his partner without another word.

Hello, and thank you for reading Moonlit! We honestly hope you're enjoying the story so far~ Feel free to leave any thoughts or opinions in the comments section, we always love hearing from you!

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Hello, and thank you for reading Moonlit! We honestly hope you're enjoying the story so far~ Feel free to leave any thoughts or opinions in the comments section, we always love hearing from you!

-Samantha and Runaja

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