Chapter Eighty-Eight

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No one had come since the moon

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No one had come since the moon. Of course, Jason was sent when he'd, in fact, survived the shift back. The Healer often visited afterwards to deliver food Jrasic couldn't keep down, and water he had no thirst for. He hadn't once seen Sonya, which was fine with him. If he had it his way, he'd have no one down there with him at all. But of course that wish wouldn't be granted to him.

Jrasic kept as still as possible against the wall where he hung forward from the chains. Aaron had adjusted them recently. He couldn't lay down anymore and now was forced to half kneel against the wall, which only aggravated his wounds further. Instead, Jrasic often just leaned forward as much as he could, letting the cuffs cut into his wrists, his arms pulled slightly over his head, as he let the chains support his weight instead.

"Is our Jrasic awake?" a woman's voice asked. Camille lay with her head close to him, near where he slumped over. She toyed with a dagger, picking at her nails with its tip.

He didn't say anything even as he opened his eyes to her. Even if he wanted to, the words wouldn't form anyway. Something else caught his gaze and Jrasic feebly glanced up to find Aaron had perched on the table, looking off across the room rather than at the pair.

"It smells dreadful in here," Camille commented. The woman flicked her wrist and the dagger hit near Jrasic's arm. She rolled over on her stomach and looked over her shoulder. "Aaron!" she whined, drawing out his name.

Aaron finally looked to her and tipped his head. "Getting bored?" he asked.

She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Well, you're just brooding in a corner, and Jrasic won't react." Camille looked back at Jrasic and pursed her lips. She raised her eyebrows and drew a finger down his neck and against his chest. "Come on, Jrasic. What else am I supposed to play with?" He shuddered but could do little to pull away. Even the slightest movement made Jrasic wince and his gaze unfocused.

"A broken toy isn't interesting," Aaron murmured but only watched her.

Camille grinned at Jrasic and drew circles against his chest and then his stomach. "I don't think he's completely broken," she murmured. "We just need different ways to break him."

" you want," Jrasic rasped out. The words barely formed and left him breathless.

"What do I want?" Camille dragged her hands down and chuckled. "I want you to suffer."

He tried to growl at her and even the smallest hint of a partial shift made him cringe, a small sound of pain escaping him. Aaron stood from the table to wander closer to Camille, but he still did nothing to stop her.

"See?" Camille dug her nails into his thigh and laughed. "It's because of your pup, isn't it?" She leaned up to him, her lips close to his ear and she gave a low laugh.

Jrasic managed to curl his fingers into a fist, though his hand still hung limp in his shackles. "What..." he rasped but couldn't continue.

"Is that why you won't give up?" Aaron said. He sighed, seemingly of pure boredom. "For her?"

"Is that why you don't like me...touching you?" Camille asked her hand drifting. She placed her lips against his neck and then bit down on the soft flesh.

Jrasic moved against the shackles, but the chains only tugged back, giving him no space to stop her. "She'll win," he growled instead and forced a partial shift to sharpen his teeth into fangs, even if it made his vision blur further.

Camille released her lips from him and placed a short kiss to his cheek. She made to move back but stopped to whisper, "She's dead."

The two words echoed in his skull and Jrasic immediately set his gaze on her. "No, she isnt," he snarled and bared his fangs at her. "Your...lies mean nothing."

"I know you won't believe me," she whispered. Camille looked back at Aaron. "That's why he's here."

Jrasic followed her gaze and locked it on Aaron's. The other man held it firm. Jrasic swallowed hard, his partial shift melting away. "Aaron..." The assassin Alpha kept to his silence. He merely turned his face away, hands sliding into his pockets. Jrasic couldn't look away, the war inside his mind evident in his eyes.

Camille slid away from Jrasic with a tip of her head. "So I guess it was all for nothing."

"It isn't true," Jrasic muttered. He griped his own chains hard enough to make them cut into his hands.

The woman took backward steps to Aaron, though her grin had dropped into a scowl. "I saw her body. What was left of it, anyways. She was broken and ripped apart. Her blood staining the snow and everything around her, and her young little face scarred and bruised. But it was blank. Blank and dead."

Jrasic stared at her, gold seeping into his eyes. "She can't-" His voice cracked and failed him

"You just don't know when to give up," Aaron growled and snapped his gaze back to Jrasic. "Why don't you just stay down?"

"She can't be dead, Aaron," Jrasic tried again. "She's- Terra-"

"Is it really that hard to believe?" Aaron snapped. "Her blood drained from her body. It's over, Jrasic."

Jrasic shook his head, his breaths coming fast. "She isn't-"

"You have nothing left," Aaron told him. Still, Jrasic tried to move against the chains. "Give up, Jrasic."

"Then kill me!" Jrasic near howled. It left him dazed and he collapsed against the wall fully. His chest heaved and he let his hands fall limp in the cuffs again. "Then just...just kill me."

"Maybe we should," Camille whispered. She wrapped her arms around Aaron and slid into his side, fitting perfectly. "Not yet, though. We'll let it sink in, first. There's no reason for death if we haven't achieved our maximum potential."

Jrasic looked up to them both, something dull and dry tainting his eyes. "Why?" he said in a whisper. "It...doesn't matter anymore if- if she's-"

"I'm sorry Jrasic," Aaron said. He wrapped an arm around Camille, holding her to him. "I can't kill my own brother."

Camille tipped her head up and brought a hand to Aaron's cheek. She leaned up to give him a light kiss, no longer watching Jrasic.

Aaron turned his attention to her as well. He moved both arms around her as he returned the kiss deeply, his fingers even straying along the hem of her shirt. He pulled away just enough for a breath and to spare the chained wolf a glance. "Let's leave him to process," he whispered to Camille.

The other wolf gave Jrasic a wiggle of her fingers in departure, and blew him a kiss before she turned back to the door, never leaving Aaron's side.

Jrasic was left to watch them retreat. His vision failed him long before they reached the door. His chin dipped to his chest and he hung by his chains. The room around him melted away and all he could see was the image of the girl he loved, who's smile he'd never see again.

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-Samantha and Runaja

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