Chapter Ninety-Three

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Even with the curtains drawn shut, the room still seemed too bright in the daylight

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Even with the curtains drawn shut, the room still seemed too bright in the daylight. The sun didn't directly hit his window, but Jrasic still squinted whenever he glanced toward it, and he mostly avoided looking in its direction at all. The IV was gone from his arm, but he was still on a strict diet that consisted of clear liquids and light foods like gelatin and, on rare occasions, bread.

"Just give it time," Jason said as Jrasic pressed a hand to his face to block out some light. Movement still caused him pain, but not enough to keep him utterly still. "It'll be a while still until your eyes adjust properly."

Jrasic opened his eyes to the pack Healer, past wounds of his own still evident on his face. "I know," Jrasic muttered and cringed at how rusty his voice still sounded.

It brought a gentle smile to Jason's face. "That will come back soon enough, too," the Healer promised. "It just-"

"Takes time," Jrasic finished and heaved a shallow sigh.

"It's frustrating, I know." The room's door had been left open and now Lynea filled the frame. "You'll get over it." Her flippant tone brought a smile to Jrasic's face and he actually chuckled. It only lasted a second as he cringed from the action and set a hand against his chest, drawing a careful breath. Lynea's own expression faltered, but Jason didn't seem concerned.

"Just go easy on yourself," the Healer advised.

As Lynea moved further into the room, Terra came into view as well, a soft smile lighting her face the moment she saw Jrasic. No matter what, it always did. As she moved to enter, though, Jake took her wrist and stopped her. The Beta spoke in low whispers, though nothing the two said reached Jrasic's ears. Jake gestured into the room and Terra scowled as she pulled her hand back to her side.

"Thank you, Jake," she said a bit louder, like she had said it once already. Jake looked to Jrasic and just offered the man a short nod before he went off, clearly having somewhere else to be at the moment. Terra slid inside the room, her smile a bit more diminished than it had been before. "I have some spare time," she said as a greeting.

"And I must see to others," Jason said. He set a hand to Jrasic's shoulder, shifting his files under one arm. "Really now-"

"Take it easy," Jrasic finished for him. "Thank you, Jason." The Healer couldn't manage a smile but nodded as he pulled away. He ducked his head to the Alpha as he passed and disappeared out of the room.

Terra stepped up to Lynea and shifted her glance between the two. "Lynea, would you mind if I spoke to Jrasic...alone?"

Lynea gave her a questioning look before she glanced to Jrasic as well. He only tipped his head to the side, the best shrug he could manage, and Lynea nodded. "I'll bring back apple juice," she said to neither of them in particular. With a soft smile to her old friend, Lynea backed out as well, even closing the door a bit after her.

"Is everything okay?" Jrasic asked and shifted a bit on the bed to sit up more.

Terra glanced at the door before she moved to sit near him on the bed, her legs crossed. "I just...I know I've been busy lately. shouldn't be left in the dark."

Jrasic frowned, more out of concern. "I know there's a lot going on," he said. "Merging four packs together. The Hunters..."

"And with Jessie gone, it- it can make things difficult." Terra took up Jrasic's hand, but looked down at her lap. "Recently, um...Aaron..." Terra paused and took a slow breath. "We've been watching the assassin pack even closer, because- well, I thought I should tell you. Since you two were close...he's gone, Jrasic. He took his own life."

Jrasic's breath caught a moment and he just turned his gaze away from her. He didn't say anything for a while, not a single expression crossing his face. At last, he finally asked, "When?"

"A few days ago," she said. "That woman with him died in the battle. I don't think he could stand it...being trapped like that."

He shook his head, fingers curling against the bandages along his chest. "He loved her," Jrasic murmured. "Even if he was free, he would have done it."

"I need to tell his other wolves, the ones we've been speaking to. I wanted you to come with me, for the ones closer to him." Terra glanced to his leg and shook her head. "Not now. When you're a little better."

"Whenever you want." Jrasic looked back to her again. "They deserve to know. I know he isn't- wasn't...a good man but..."

"No, I know." Terra continued to look down and ran a thumb against his skin. "There's...something else." Jrasic gave her hand a weak squeeze and nodded to her, his gaze drifting across her face. "I...well." Terra closed her eyes and slowly started to draw her hand away. "I wasn't first. And then I couldn't believe it. Not with the battle. But Jason-" Terra stopped and her hands curled into fists. "I'm...I'm pregnant, Jrasic."

He kept quiet, his hand still resting where she left it. A tiny twitch of his lip broke his mask, almost a smile, though not quite. "So...I mean, we...?" The words failed him though his lips were still parted.

Terra nodded and pulled at the hoodie she rarely removed, especially as it was carrying his scent again. Beneath, there was a visible bump against her shirt. "Are that..."

Jrasic stared at her and finally the smile broke free, dragging a laugh of disbelief with it. "Terra," he said. "It's wonderful."

She finally lifted her head to him, eyes wide. "You think so?" Terra ran a hand over the bump and drew in a slow breath. "With everything I just- I could have died."

"You did what you had to," Jrasic insisted. "You survived. We both did." He tried to lean forward, reaching a hand out to her.

Terra took his offer and moved closer to him on the bed. She gently rested his hand over her stomach and managed a small smile. His only grew at the feel of their unborn child. "It's more than wonderful," he murmured. He rose his gaze back up to her, a new sort of light in his eyes.

"I was just...scared," she whispered but her smile grew as well.

"Why?" Jrasic asked. "You'll make a great mother, Terra."

"Well," she murmured. "Only if you help me."

Jrasic laughed again, moving his hand to take hers. "Of course. We do this together."

Terra leaned forward and pressed her forehead to his. "I love you, Jrasic."

He moved a hand to cup the back of her head, fingers in her hair. "I love you too," he whispered to her. "Always."

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