Chapter Forty-Three

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Brit cursed the rain as she stalked out into the woods

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Brit cursed the rain as she stalked out into the woods. She promised Aaron she would meet him, but she knew she would have to make the trek back to the cabin after. It was only right to explain it. She pushed through the undergrowth and glanced behind her, wanting nothing more than to return to the comfort of her bed.

"You're late." The voice came first then Aaron stepped out into view. "Where have you been?"

"I had to wait," she replied, fixing her hood over her face. "I wanted to see if the rain would stop."

"The rain is good," he said. "It helps to make sure no one's following you." Aaron came up closer, glancing through the forest. "You can't risk staying any longer. We have to go."

Brit hesitated and took a small step back. "Aaron, I'm staying." She clutched the sleeves of her hoodies a she spoke. "I'm not apart of this feud, but I know how I feel about them. I spoke to them, and not just with questions, but as a person. I need to be there, I feel it."

"You cant," Aaron said and snapped his gaze to her. "Brit, it's... it's dangerous with them."

She shook her head slowly. "As dangerous as it would be to stay with you, it seems. I know I can't believe every word they say, but they also make sense."

Aaron shook his head, coming closer still. "No, Brit. You-" Aaron rose a hand to his face, fingers pressing at his eyes. "You can't just..." He let out a sharp growl and lashed out a hand, snatching her shoulder. "You said you were coming with me."

Though she flinched, Brit stood her ground and put a hand against his to try and pry him away. "I changed my mind, Aaron."

"You don't get to just do that," he snarled. "Why come back here at all, then?" Even as he asked, an emotionless smile tugged at the corner of his lip.

"Well, I-" Brit paused and shivered against the rain. "I had to explain myself. If I didn't..." She trailed off, suddenly unsure of her reasoning.

"What?" Aaron pressed and shoved her toward a tree. "You'd feel guilty for abandoning me? Unlikely, precious. We're not finished."

Brit slid around the side of the tree and took sharp steps back into the woods. "Yes, we are," she said shakily. "Don't make me a part of this feud, Aaron."

"Don't walk away from me, Brit," Aaron said. "You're already a part of it."

Her steps faltered and Brit steadied herself on a tree, wood digging into her palm. "They are right about you," she whispered. "Aren't they?"

Aaron snorted and approached her again. "Depends who you ask," he said. "But that's the same for everyone, isn't it? I can tell scary stories too, Brit. Like about the big blond wolf. Or the Alpha's pet. Maybe that would make you change your mind again."

With a slow breath, she stood straight again and faced him, a few drops of water hitting her nose. "I'm going back to them. You won't change my mind."

"Not even if you knew that he used to run with me?" Aaron said. "The pet. He killed with me. Hunted humans and wolves alike. And that blond. He was the greatest assassin I ever worked with." Aaron pressed a hand against the tree and pinned her to the trunk, claws tearing at the bark.

Brit placed a hand against his chest, trying to keep him at a distance. "Obviously something in them changed, or perhaps I'm wrong, but it is my right to make that mistake."

Aaron snarled and leaned in close. He bared his teeth as they sharpened into fangs, eyes adopting a golden hue. A smile crossed his lips and his features suddenly returned human and he backed off. Aaron lifted his hands up as he took a step back. "Fine," he said with a chuckle. "That's fine. We're going to play a different game now, anyway."

Despite the shakes running through her, Brit managed to shake her head. "No," she managed. "I'm going back and- and you're going to leave me the hell alone."

"Oh you can go," Aaron said and took another step back for good measure. "Go back to Terra and her dogs. But you're not going to tell them a thing about me. Us. None of it. Understand?"

Brit moved from the tree and put a good deal of distance between them. "But-" she started to protest but the words died before they passed her lips.

"You won't tell them anything," Aaron said again. "And you'll come back to me, too." He tipped his head this way and that, a hand flicking the air in thought. "Oh, let's say after your first moon. I'm pretty confident you'll survive."

Brit let out a shaking breath, forcing her words out. "And if I don't?" she asked slowly.

"You will," Aaron said. "You have to." The smile vanished and he took a step toward her again. "I want you to."

With a small gasp she jerked backwards over a fallen branch and away from him. Her hood tipped back and she didn't bother to fix it before she took off back into the dark trees.

 Her hood tipped back and she didn't bother to fix it before she took off back into the dark trees

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Thanks for reading, we're so glad you're still with us. Especially because we're getting into the really good stuff. What do you think of Brit and Aaron? Let us know!

-Runaja and Samantha

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