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elton and corey entered their hotel room, across the hall from sam and colby's.
corey threw his stuff onto a bed, running to stare out the window, completely mezmerized by the mediocre view.

still, he smiled widely.
"elton, look! everything's australian, mate!"

elton laughed. he put his bags on the same bed as corey had, wiggling out of his jacket.
elton made over to corey, smiling out the window as well.

corey glanced at elton, a soft smile on his pink lips. elton turned to face the younger, feeling that he was being stared at.
"you know, elton...i'm glad we're travelling together again." he said softly.

elton could feel his face heat up, and he turned away.
"um, yeah...i am too." elton said, bobbing his head, hoping corey couldn't see his blush.

corey smiled and turned to look back out the window.

"oh, elton, what's that in the tree?!"
"right there! it must be something australian, right?!"
"that's a squirrel, corey."

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now