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Sam flopped in bed next to Colby, yawning.
Colby did too.
"Contagious yawn." The brunette mumbled.
Sam smiled.

They had both changed, ready for bed despite it being 9pm.
"Do you know what Elton and Corey are up to?" Sam asked, rubbing his tired eyes.
"No, why?" Colby asked.
"Because I heard music and footsteps a minute ago." Sam muttered.

"Whatever the fuck dancing thing they're doing is going to get them yelled at by the people that have to hear them stomping around in their room." Colby said, making Sam smile.
"Yeah..." The blonde said.
"They might have stopped though." Sam said.
He slowly closed his eyes, yawning.

Colby shut his phone off, tossing it onto the bed that their bags were on.
He threw the blanket over them and fell asleep as well.

Meanwhile, Elton and Corey were doing their own thing in the other room.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now