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this has nothing to do with the chapter, but i love fall out boy too much

Fitz paced the hallway of the hospital, chewing his fingernail.
He only stopped when he felt a small
amount of blood in his mouth.

Sighing sadly he looked at the room Elton was in.
Another tear rolled down his cheek.

Jay (Walker) looked both ways down the hospital hall after getting out of the elevator.
He saw Fitz to the left and jogged down towards him.

Fitz started silently crying, the hot tears rushing down his face.
"Jay, h-he's dead." Fitz whispered, trying to not sob loudly.
"Did they tell you that?" Jay asked.

Fitz shook his head.
"No! But I held him, in my arms a-and-"
Jay hugged Fitz, who was clearly traumatized.

Fitz cried while Jay glanced at the door to Elton's room.
Jay gulped when Fitz pulled away.
"Can we see him?" Jay asked quietly.

Fitz shook his head.
"Not yet."
Jay nodded, sighing.
"And, uh, there's one last thing." Fitz said quietly.

Jay looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
Fitz looked down at his hands.
"Its about what Elton said before he passed out."

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