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Corey sighed and laid on the hotel bed.
He ran his fingers through his now damp but washed hair.
"Elton?" He called to the man in the bathroom.
"Yeah?" Elton said, poking his head out as he brushed his teeth.
"You got them to wash the sheets, r-right?" Corey asked, face going red.

"Y-yeah, while we were skydiving." Elton said.
Corey nodded.
He wiggled his clothes off, replacing them with shorts and a t-shirt.
Elton walked out, wearing a pair of sweatpants only.

"I've never seen you in sweatpants~" Corey said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shut up." Elton responded, smirking snd throwing a pair of shorts at Corey's face.
Corey smiled before putting his shorts in his pile of dirty laundry.
Elton sighed, sitting on the bed.
It went silent again.

"Do you, uh...do you regret what we did?" Elton asked quietly, looking at Corey.
Corey's eyes met Elton's before looking at his hands.
"I...I don't know." Corey sighed.
"You?" He asked, looking at Elton.

This time Elton looked at his hands, sighing.
"I don't know either.." Elton said, not wanting to give Corey the truth right then.
Corey nodded.
They both stared down.

"I'm going to go to sleep now." Corey said quietly.
Elton nodded.
They both pulled the blanket over them and face opposite ways.

After some time, Corey had fallen asleep but Elton stayed awake.
He tossed and turned, moving to be on his back, then his other side, and his stomach.
He ended up facing Corey's back for a while.
Elton exhaled.

"No. I don't." He muttered before going to sleep.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now