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im just inspired to push all these chapters out, so enjoy :)

Elton sat on the plane, staring out the window.
Corey looked at Elton, anxiety coursing through both their veins.

They weren't sure what they'd be faced with when they got home.
Corey was scared of what would happen with him and Devyn.
Elton was scared of if Devyn would say anything to him.
They also were scared about all their friends, who surely had seen all the things that surfaced between them.

They were also scared of what would happen between them.
Two best friends, hook up one night and catch all sorts of feelings.
Corey doesn't know his sexuality, Elton wants Corey more than anything.
But their friendship was strained, they both knew it, and soon enough it would snap again.

Elton felt a hand on his leg.
He looked to see Corey, shaky hand on Elton's shorts.
Elton gave Corey a light smile.

They didn't have to speak to know what the other was thinking.

Somewhere deep inside, they said a silent goodbye before turning away from each other, Corey's hand leaving Elton's thigh.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now