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Corey stood, wearing a white button up shirt and black jeans.

He had been kicked out last night due to visitor hours being over, but returned around lunch time the next day.

He held flowers and a small, white, dog stuffed animal.
As silly as it seemed to give that to Elton, Corey knew he missed his dog that couldn't visit him.
Maybe having a stuffy of her would make Elton a little happier.

Corey entered the elevator, selecting the floor Elton was on and feeling the elevator ascend.

He gulped, slightly nervous.
Even though Elton said he loved Corey, and kissed him, Corey was afraid of rejection.

He stepped out into the hall, glancing in the direction of Elton's room.
Nobody was there, Corey hoping nobody was inside so he could be alone with Elton.

As he stepped closer to the room, he felt himself getting more nervous by the second.
He peeked in, seeing Elton.
He was looking down, eyes closed slightly.

Corey bit his lip and smiled.
"Elton's cute when he's sleepy"

"Knock knock." Corey said.
Elton looked up at him.
His face went red at the sight of Corey.

Corey shaking extending his arms, flowers going into Elton's hands.
"Is that a dog stuffy?" Elton asked, giggling slightly.
Corey blushed and nodded.
"I thought since it looked like Circa, you'd like to have it with you." Corey said gently.

Elton smiled.
He accepted the toy in his arms as well.
"And I-I have a question for you?" Corey said.
"Was that the question?" Elton asked, giggling.

Corey blushed, exhaling through his nose as a laugh.
"No, uh, my question is.." Corey stared.
"I guess- I, uh-" Corey stuttered.
His face went red, Elton raising an eyebrow.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Elton blushed and smiled.
He looked down, biting his lip.
"I..." Elton started.
He nodded, looking up.
"Yes." Elton said.

Corey smiled.
Elton put the stuffy and flowers on the table beside his bed, then opening his arms.

Corey hugged him tightly, Elton squeezing him close.
"You didn't need to he so nervous.." Elton soothed.
"I know I just...I didn't want you to reject me because I'm an asshole." Corey said.

Elton shook his head, kissing Corey's temple.
"No you're not, and I love you because you're caring and sweet." Elton whispered.

Corey smiled, hugging Elton close for minutes after that.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now