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Elton woke, feeling cold.
He was no longer curled up with Corey.
Elton rubbed his eyes, seeing Corey hunched over at the ned of the bed.
Elton stared.

Corey ran fingers through his hair, which was no longer pulled back.
Small whispers and murmurs were heard, but Elton couldn't figure out what he said.
Elton sat up quickly.
Corey turned, feeling Elton moving.

Corey's eyes were red and puffy, but he quickly wiped them.
Elton stared, hands going delicately to wipe a tear off Corey's cheek.
"What's wrong?" Elton asked.
Cory tried to speak, no words coming out.

Elton hugged him, Corey crying into his shoulder.
"T-they know!" Corey cried.
Elton made a confused face.
"Who's they?" Elton asked.

"E-everybody, everybody k-nows about us."

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