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Elton poked his fork at the waffles in the container he had.

Sam and Colby were in their room, talking.
Elton knew Colby just wanted to leave him in the room with Corey, alone.
(colbys an eltorey shipper irl and we all know it)

Corey happily ate his breakfast, sitting on the bed next to Elton.
Elton's laptop was set up in front of them, The Walking Dead playing on Netflix.
Corey was intently watching, but Elton wasn't focusing due to already seeing every episode.

Elton finally looked up at the computer, seeing a notification pop up in the corner of the screen.
Elton pulled it closer, reading over the notification, Corey looking over his shoulder.

Tinder; You have matched with: Elliot!

Elton blushed, turning Netflix off and yanking the laptop into his lap.
Corey looked away, feeling his cheeks red and eyes sting.

He know's he hasn't been the best to Elton, and he didn't make anything that happened any better.
But the thought of Elton kissing, hugging or just being with another man, made Corey's heart sink.
He didn't want Elton to love someone else, he wanted Elton to love him.
(cough cough, colbysproblematicstanswhentheyseehimwithagirl)

Elton was on his computer for five minutes, blushing and typing something before he put The Walking Dead back on.

"I...uh...didn't know you could have Tinder on a computer." Corey said.
Elton shrugged.
"You can." He said quietly.
Corey went silent.
"I didn't know you were looking for somebody..." Corey said, tracing shapes on the bedsheets.

Elton glanced at him.
"I am."

The simple, two word answers he gave made Corey's heart feel worse.
But it's not like Corey thought he was the only heartbroken one, he knew Elton was broken too.

Everything's a mess, and they both know it.

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