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basically follows the plot of their vid, but the eltorey moments were obviously added by me

Sam and Colby introed their video, Corey standing away from Elton with Colby between them.

"And with us is Corey, and uncle Elton, who's just gotten out of the hospital the other day." Sam said, gesturing to the bearded male.
Elton stuck his pinkie and thumb out, smiling.

As Sam and Colby talked about what they were going to be doing in the video, Elton sent awkward glances to Corey, who sighed and stared at him.
At some point, Colby wrapped an arm around Corey and started rubbing his chest.
"Rub my titty!" Corey yelled, he and Colby laughing as he stopped.

Elton smiled, a hint of jealousy behind it.


After a while of contemplating where to go, cutting through people's yards, they ended up in a forest.
The whole time Elton and Corey walked beside each other, at the back.

Then, there was a debate on which way to go, the safer or the quicker route.
Of course Corey wanted safer, and Sam wanted faster.
(take that sentence out of context if ya want)

They ended up going Sam's way anyways.
"Like usual, we ask Corey what he thinks and it doesn't fucking matter." Elton said, chuckling as they walked.
Corey snorted.


Elton stood in the mansion, marvelling about the indoor pool they had.
Corey just spin in circles.
Sam and Colby babbled, filming in awe of the place they stood in.

After they went upstairs, Elton and Corey split from the other two.
Sam and Colby were on the balcony, Elton and Corey were looking at all the rooms.

The bearded male stepped into the bedroom, looking around.
"Jesus christ." Corey said, looking around.
"This is like, bigger than your room back in L.A." Elton said.
Corey nodded.

He and Elton glanced at each other, faces then going red.
"So..." Elton started.
"What do you want to do in this bedroom, Corey?" Elton said.
Corey hadn't picked up on the sexual joke.

They heard Sam and Colby call for them, so they joined back with the duo.


Sam and Colby stood by the balcony again.
Colby talked about how he wished he had a view like that to wake up to.
Sam agreed.
They joked about what they'd do when they woke up and stood on the balcony, completely unaware of what Elton and Corey were doing on the level below them.


Corey shoved Elton against the wall.
"You'll get whatever you want, until Sam and Colby come down here." Corey hissed.
Elton smirked.
"All I want is some kisses~" Elton purred.
Corey stared at Elton's lips before they connected.

They hummed into each others mouths, groaning slightly.
Elton's feet shuffled, Corey's body pressed against his.
Their hands locked, Elton's going against the wall as they continued to kiss roughly.

It was pure bliss.
Until Sam and Colby were walking towards the pool area they were in.

Corey detached himself from Elton and walked to the doorway.
Elton quickly thought of a plan, incase Sam and Colby asked what they were doing.
Which, of course Sam and Colby did.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now