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Elton stared, eyes wide.

There it was, clear as day, a video that was taken from the hotel hallway.
Occasionally, the cameraman or woman who let out a soft chuckle or gasp, along with a friend of theirs.
The sound of Elton and Corey moaning each others names loudly was loud and clear in the video.

Elton looked up at Corey, who bit his nails.
"Fuck." Corey mumbled, over snd over again.
Elton tried to calm him down, but Corey kept snapping at him.

Elton stopped playing the video, sighing.
Corey stopped pacing, sighing as his hands dropped.
Elton slowly took Corey's hands into his, staring up the male.

Corey had pure fear and exhaustion in his eyes.
Elton placed delicate kisses to Corey's knuckles.
Corey just started crying again, collapsing on the bed.

As he cried, knuckles rapped against their door.
Elton walked over and opened it, Sam and Colby standing there.
They smiled.
Then, they saw Corey crying and ran in to ask what was wrong.

"What's wrong?"
"Why are you crying?!"

Corey stared at them, sobbing lightly.
"H-haven't you seen?" Corey asked.
Elton shushed him.
"A musician that Corey really loved had passed away." Elton lied.

Sam nodded, Colby patting his back.
"Well, come on, let's go get breakfast to cheer you up." Sam said.
Elton pulled Corey off the bed, rubbing his back.
Corey's hands clutched his sleeves, arms crossed over his chest.

They got in the elevator, Corey sniffling as Sam pressed the button.
"We saw a nice looking cafe down the street." Colby said, giving Corey a comforting smile.
Corey sighed, nodding.

They got into the lobby, Corey and Elton freezing up.
A group of people stood there, phones out.
Sam and Colby dodged them, running into the bathroom.
They hadn't realized that the group was there for Elton and Corey.

Corey tried to step back into the elevator, but hit the closed, metal door.
He inwardly groaned.

"Corey! Elton!"
"How are you two?!"

They all had accusing tones with their words.
Corey looked at Elton.
"Guys, please-" Elton said, trying to get through.

"Corey, do you consider yourself a cheater?"

Elton glanced at Corey, who's heart had clearly shattered at those words.

"Excuse me! I'm going to have to ask you to leave our guests alone!" He hotel manager said.
He ushered the group away.
Elton stared at Corey, who was crying again.

Sam and Colby slowly returned from the bathroom, checking around the corners.
"How about two people go to get some food, while someone stays here with Corey?" Elton asked, wanting to volunteer to stay with the crying man.
Sam smiled, stepping over to Corey.
"I'll stay here with you dude." Sam said sweetly.

Corey thanked him.
"Okay. Elton and I'll get food. See you guys in a bit." Colby said.
Sam waved as Elton half-trudged away.
"Come on, lets go back upstairs." Sam said, leading Corey to the elevator again.


When Elton and Colby got to the cafe, Colby kept the doors locked.
Elton gave him strange look.

"Elton, I'm not stupid." Colby said.
Elton raised an eyebrow.
"This whole trip, you two have been acting weird..." Colby started.
"What's going on with you and Corey?"


Sam sat with Corey in his and Elton's hotel room.
Corey was curled up with the blanket.
Sam sighed, looking over at him.

"I have to ask this..." Sam started quietly.
Corey nodded, looking over at him.
Sam played with his thumbs as he asked the question.

"Is something happening between you and Elton?"

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now