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so, im not going to recreate the entire video exactly, but im going to follow the storyline mostly

please don't attack me for it not being the exact same
which some of y'all like to do 👀

btw, this one is long and has a lot of cute moments but i wasn't good at describing the things that happened in the video so...

enjoy ig

Sam and Colby energetically did their intro, Corey and Elton smiling at him.
Corey was staring at the news station building in front of them.
Elton cracked some jokes during the intro, looking at Corey to see if he'd laugh.

When they got to the building, Elton winced while looking at his ankle, which had healed a bit after Elton breaking it.
Corey sent him a sympathetic glance.
"You okay?" He asked.
Elton nodded.

"Hey, could you be wearing any brighter of a colour?" Elton teased, pointing at Corey sweater.
Corey made a face at him.
Elton giggled before they got into the building.

"Hey Corey?" Elton said, like an annoying child.
"Yes, Elton?" He said back.
"This really is breaking news, huh?" Elton said.

Corey thought for a moment before rolling his eyes playfully.
Elton giggled again, watching as Corey tried to hide a smile.


"It's Gary!" Sam said.
Corey looked around, slightly confused.
Elton pointed to the Corey of the room, hand on Corey's shoulder.
Corey spotted a round, broken looking object, in the shape of a ball.
"Where the fuck have you been?" He said jokingly, Elton laughing.

Corey looked at Elton's hand as it slowly dropped from his shoulder.
The two scurried away from each other as Colby threw the thing at them.
"If anybody was around, they definitely know we're here." Sam said, after the clatter from the object.


Elton and Corey stood next to each other, whispering as Sam and Colby filmed.
"Woah, holy shit, guys..." Colby said.
"T-there's a pile of clothes outside a door that says "r*pe room'"' Sam said quietly.
Corey gulped, gripping Elton's arm.
Elton look at the, now trembling, male.

"It's okay, nobody will hurt you." Elton said softly.
Corey nodded.
Colby opened the door as Sam pointed out the fact that the clothes were fresh.

When Colby got in the room, the mood shifted.
They saw green screens, making the room less scary.
Corey's hand ungripped from Elton's arm as he looked around.
"It's the main room." Sam said, a cheer coming from Colby.


"Elton, put that down before Sam and-" Corey said, trying to smack Elton's hand as he picked up a child's jacket.
"Woah, why would someone leave that here?" Sam said, noticing it.
Corey, knowing that Elton would say something creepy, gulped again.

"Its stylish but...do you think the same type of kid to wear their would follow a stranger into-" Elton started.
A noise from beside them could be heard, Corey jumping towards Elton.
The bearded male dropped the jacket, hands going to hold Corey.
"It's okay." He whispered into Corey's ear, holding Corey's shoulders.

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