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Corey ran his fingers through Elton's matted hair.

The other four were sitting in chairs around the room, everybody silent.

Corey heard the slow footsteps arriving the room.
He looked up to see a nurse in the doorway.
The expression on her face was not good.

"Uhm, we've run a few more tests and..."
She sighed, looking down.
"Even after the surgery, and all our effort to remove the medication your friend overdosed on..."

Jay winced, not wanting to hear the voice she was preparing to say.
Fitz's eyes burned, body feeling drained after all the tears that escaped his eyes.
Heath let out a sob, covering his mouth.
Scott leaned forward, head in his hands as his back trembled.

"We don't think he's going to make it."

Corey let out a squeaky sob.
He covered his mouth, other hand going to hold Elton's.

The slow beep of the heart rate monitor was no longer the only sound, as the room filled with quiet sobs and cries.

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