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Corey poked his head into the doorway.

Fitz had called him, explaining everything that happened.
Corey had grabbed his jacket and run out the door.
Along the way he stopped and got blue flowers.

He stood in the doorframe, shaking.
The flowers were loosely in his grip, ready to fall with the shaking.
"Elton..." Corey whispered.
He stepped forward, gulping.

Heath looked at Scott, who bit the inside of
his cheek.

Corey placed the flowers on Elton's bedside table.
Corey's fingertips went to Elton's lips.

They were cold and colourless.
Corey just wanted the warm, soft, pink lips that Elton always curled into a smile.

Corey trembled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"E-Elton..." Corey whispered.
He sniffled, taking in a sharp inhale.
"Elton please don't-" Corey cut himself off by letting out a sob.
"Please don't leave me." Corey whispered.

The other four men felt their hearts shatter.
Corey had pure sorrow, grief and pain in his voice.
It was clear Corey didn't want to go on without the bearded male by his side.

Corey sat on the side of the bed, holding Elton's hand on his heart.
"P-please I..." Corey started.
"I need you, I love you too."
"You can't leave me, you can't." Corey choked out quietly.

Elton's hand stayed placed over Corey's heart, Corey crying quietly.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now