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Corey's body lightly shook.
Heat turned to face the, still sleeping, boy.

Corey quivered and whimpered painfully.
He sounded pained, scared and upset.

Heath gently shook his arm, bumping into Corey.
"Corey..." He said soothingly.
He put a hand on Corey's shoulder, shaking him lightly.
"Corey, wake up."

Corey shot up, sitting up straight.
He looked around worriedly, like a lost, tiny animal or lost child.
His eyes watered and Heath put a hand on his shoulder.

Corey jumped.

"Are you okay?" Heath asked quietly.
Corey let out a tiny sob, making Heath's
heart break again.
He pulled Corey in to hug him, rubbing Corey's back and shoulders.

Corey cried into the fabric of Heath's shirt, gripping his sides.
Heath used all the remaining power in him to not sob with Corey.
All he wanted to do was to stay strong in hopes that Corey would be able to as well.

Corey's, what seemed like the millionth, cry session that day was interrupted when a nurse walked out of Elton's hospital room.

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