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Elton sat on the bed, sighing.
His ankle was throbbing, but he didn't want to bring it up to the others.
Corey, who walked in after Elton, saw him sitting on the bed.

Elton sat, leaning back on his arms, ankle dangling off the bed as he groaned.
Corey would think it's sexual, but he could see the ankle swelling slightly.

"Jesus, Elton..." Corey said.
He bent down, pulling Elton's shoe and sock off.
"Fuck-" Elton mumbled.
Corey looked up at Elton.
"Can you move it."

Elton slowly rolled it, groaning.
"Okay, okay, I'll..." Corey started.
He bit the inside of his cheek.
"I'm going to dump the bathroom stuff out of that plastic, ziploc bag, and put ice in that, okay?" Corey said.
Elton nodded.

Corey ran into the bathroom, dumping the bag of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and a comb onto the counter.
Corey jogged out of the room, then down the hall to the vending and ice machines.
Corey scooped ice into the bag, then jogging back to the hotel room.

Elton had tears stinging his eyes.
Corey bent down and carefully and slowly held the bag to Elton's ankle.
"Shit." Elton mumbled.
He closed his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Corey asked.
"I didn't...want them to stop...their video." Elton said.
Corey rolled his eyes.
"You're an idiot." Corey mumbled.
"Thank you..." Elton said back.

Corey pressed it around the bruised and swollen ankle.
"Should we take you to the hospital."
"No...if I can roll...my ankle...it's fine." Elton said, grunting.
"Are you sure?" Corey asked, making eye contact with Elton.

Elton nodded.
Corey nodded too.
He pressed the ice to Elton's ankle for 15-20 minutes until, the ice melted.

Corey sighed.
"Need more?" He asked Elton.
By then, the swelling went completely away, it still hurt slightly, but Elton was sure he was fine.

"No thank you." Elton said quietly.
Corey nodded.
He stood up, peeling his own shirt off and changing into shorts.

He sighed, sitting on the bed next to Elton.
The bearded male blushed and smiled.
He reached over to his suitcase, grabbing shorts for himself and a fresh t-shirt.

Elton changed and climbed into bed, Corey turning off the lights.
"Goodnight Elton..." Corey said, laying in bed.
Elton smiled to himself.
"Goodnight, Corey."
Corey closed his eyes, Elton closing his eyes as well.

After the male with a man-bun fell asleep, Elton wrapped his arms around Corey's torso, hugging him from the back.
Elton fell asleep quickly, his chin then going on Corey's shoulder.

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