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Corey stepped slowly closer to the bed, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"You're..." Corey started.
"You're okay..." He said.

Elton stared at him, emotions clouding his eyes.

"I'm sorry.." Corey said, putting a hand on the bed next tot Elton.
"I'm so sorry." Corey said.
"And I know you don't have to forgive me but I just want you to know, I truly am sorry." Corey said.

Elton opened his mouth to speak, closing it quickly.

"And I realize now more than ever that...I really do love you. I really do." Corey added quietly.
Tears rolled down Elton's face.
Corey was about to sob, body quivering.

"And it broke my heart when Fitz told me what happened, and shattered me to bits to know that you were so close to death, and that you wanted it. And seeing you with wires attached and inside you makes me even more upset." Corey said, hoping Elton would know how much he means to Corey.

"I love you too, beyond belief." Corey whispered.
Elton mumbled something incoherent in between sobs.
Corey slowly leaned down, forehead on Elton's.

"Please don't cry..." Corey whispered.
"Please." He said.
Elton tried stifling his sobs, wiping his eyes slowly.
Corey put a hand on Elton's, looking into his eyes.

They seemed to reflect everything.
All their happy times together, all their sad ones.
His eyes reflected the love that they held in their hearts, and the heartbreak they endured to be in this moment.

Corey knew how important his next action was.
So, shakily due to being nervous about Elton's reaction, Corey leaned in.

He kissed Elton gently.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now