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Elton stood in the cold water, staring around.
"Elton! Stop worrying so much!" Colby said, swimming out in the deeper water with Sam.

"Sorry Colby, but the last time I was here, we had a jellyfish incident." Elton said.
Colby rolled his eyes, splashing and swimming with Sam.
"Its not like we're at the same beach." Colby said to Elton.
Elton rolled his eyes this time.

Corey stayed on shore looking out at them.
Elton made eye contact with the man, biting his lip.

Elton made his way out of the water, walking over to Corey.
"You're going to swim with us." Elton said.
Corey shook his head.
Elton shrugged.

He picked Corey up bridal style.
Corey gasped, watching as Elton carried him to the water.
"Elton Castee!" Corey said, squirming in Elton's hold.
"Put me back on the sand!"
Elton smirked, now in waist high water.

Corey screeched, Elton tossing him out.
Corey hit the water with a splash, Elton laughing loudly.
When Corey resurfaced, Elton still laughed.
"You ass." Corey said, spitting water out.
Corey started laughing and wiping his eyes.

Elton had to gain control of himself.
Corey shook his head, crossing his arms.
He starting walking to shore.

Elton reached out, turning Corey to face him.
Pulling Corey close slightly, their chests bumped.
Elton blushed.
Corey put his hands on Elton's sides, holding himself up.

Sam and Colby watched the two, just stand there.
Occasionally, a wave would start to make one loose their footing, so they clutched the other man.
"Why can't they just fucking date already." Colby mumbled.
Sam turned to him.
"Did Elton tell you what was going on with them?" Sam asked.

Colby nodded.
"Just like you thought, they're in love."

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