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❗️trigger warning❗️

Elton sat on the bed, staring forward.
An empty pill bottle laid on the bed next to him.

Slowly, his heart sunk further and further.
His head and his heart hurt.
All he wanted was for the pain to stop.

His eyes wanted to shut and he started feeling weak.
Elton let out a cry for help, trying to keep himself sitting upright.

Elton realized now that what he did was a big mistake.

Fitz opened the door, glancing around.
Finally, his eyes landed on his roommate.
Elton tried stumbling to his feet, simply crashing to the floor.
"Elton!" Fitz cried out.

He dropped to his knee's, hands going to Elton's head.
Elton blinked slowly, weakly shifting on the floor.

"What happened? Are you okay?!" Fitz said.
Elton looked up at the bed, Fitz's eyes following,
He saw the empty bottle, but refused to believe what he was thinking.
"Did you-" Fitz started.

His heart sunk as he desperately looked for his phone.

Fitz sniffled, using one hand to try and find Elton phone in Elton's pocket.
He cursed under his breath, trying to not have a panic attack.
"Don't close your eyes, don't you fucking dare-"

Elton groaned, murmuring under his breath.
"Tell..." Elton started.
Fitz looked down at Elton.
"Tell what?" Fitz said.

"Tell Corey...I'm sorry and..." Elton's eyes blinked slowly again.
"I loved him."

"What the fuck is going on with you?! What are you doing?!" Fitz said, watching Elton's eyes close.
"Elton! What'd you do to yourself!" Fitz cried.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now