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Elton sat on the bed, playing with his thumbs.
"Stupid Castee, like he actually loves you." Elton mumbled.

Corey stood in the washroom, staring at himself in the mirror.
He heard Elton talking to himself, guilt washing over him.

He didn't want to be the man who broke Elton Castee.
To be honest, Elton was already broken, but Corey pushed him over the edge enough to destroy him.
Everything went wrong in a time where everything could have only gone right.

It wasn't hard to not randomly fuck your bestfriend in a hotel room, one night into a multiple week vacation.
Yet, Elton and Corey, somehow, couldn't help themselves.

Elton let one sob escape his lips.
"Fallen in love with a straight guy, your friend, someone who's dating a girl." Elton sighed.
A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Stupid, gullible, pathetic Castee."

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