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Corey woke up, moving to be sitting up.
He looked down at Elton, who was curled up with his hands under the pillow.
Corey smiled to himself, running his fingers through Elton's dark coloured locks of hair.

He sighed and pulled his hand away.
"What the hell am I going to do?" Corey muttered.
He put his hands over his eyes and sighed.
"Corey, you fucking dumbass."
He got up and got dressed, opening the blinds afterwards.

Elton groaned as sunshine woke him up.
He rubbed his eyes and looked around.
Corey smiled at him, dressed.
"Come on, lets go get Sam and Colby and get some breakfast." Corey said.
Elton nodded, yawning and stretching.

He checked the time.

Elton blushed.
"Okay, you go get them, I'll get dressed." Elton said quietly.
Corey nodded.
He walked out of the room and Elton threw on a fresh shirt and pair of shorts.
He also put on a sweater.

When he got into the hall, a tired yet dressed Sam and Colby stood there with Corey.
"Alright..." Elton led the way as they left the hotel and found somewhere to eat breakfast.
Corey stayed right beside Elton the whole time.

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now