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Corey gasped.
"I'm sorry!" He shouted, slapping his hands over his eyes before tripping backwards into the bathroom again.
Elton blushed and rolled his eyes.

He was only in boxers, quickly pulling a dry pair of shorts and a shirt on.
"Okay Corey, you can come out now.." Elton said.
Corey walked out, cheeks tainted still.
"Its not like its something you haven't seen before." Elton mumbled.

Then, the room was silent, the only sound was ran and the thunder outside.
It was the first time one of them had brung up their "interaction" from the first night.

Elton went to say something, but closed his mouth.
Corey slowly sat on the bed, chewing on his lip.

The candles flickered, wind whistled and roared outside the window.
"I'm sorry." Elton said quietly.
Corey looked at him, shrugging weakly.
"I...its okay..." Corey said quietly.
Elton sat next to him, sighing.

They both stared at a candle, sighing.
Corey ended up leaning onto Elton's shoulder, yawning.
All Elton could think about was the candles, almost having the urge to call it romantic.

Corey slowly closed his eyes.
"I'm...tired...Elty." Corey whispered.
Elton smiled, eyes watering.
"Go to sleep then." He said, trying not to break down.

Corey nodded.
"I am."
He ended up falling asleep on Elton's shoulder.

Elton had hot tears rush down his face, no sobs escaping his throat though.
"God fucking damn it, Corey Scherer." Elton whispered.
He wiped his nose and eyes, more tears rushing down his face.
"Why do you do this to me?"

that night in australia | eltoreyWhere stories live. Discover now