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His body lurched, taking in a raspy breath.
He was in an unfamiliar room, unaware of how he got there.

He sniffled and went to rub his eyes, arm feeling sore and rubbery.
He whimpered, shifting in bed.
His stomach felt like a bottomless pit, throat was dry.

He moved his leg, muscles tensing up and making him jumped slightly.

He finally felt the wires hooked up into all his body parts.
He cried out, scared and in pain.

"Where am I?" He thought.

A nurse walked over, trying to calm him down.
"Sir? Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to relax, alright?" She said gently.
"W-w..." He stuttered.
"Water." He said quietly.

She nodded, slowly exiting the room.
He heard her speaking outside the room, before she returned with some water.

With desperation, he drank the water, letting the ice cubes melt in his mouth.

"W-where...am I?" He stuttered out.
"You're in the hospital, sir. You attempted to overdose on medication." The nurse responded.
He nodded.

"Now, you're friends would like to see you, is that okay?" The nurse asked.
He nodded, not knowing which friends.
When the nurse opened the door, multiple men stumbled in, one in particular catching his eye.


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